5-08/030.00 Trace Detection and Screening Program (Mobile Trace)

The MobileTrace Ion Spectrometry System is a minimally intrusive screening device designed to simultaneously test for a wide range of narcotics. The device is capable of detecting microscopic particles of narcotics.

The MobileTrace device allows the user to swipe a designated test area (e.g. skin, personal belongings, mail, packages, etc.) to detect the presence of illegal substances. The device also samples vapors from objects, containers, luggage, backpacks, etc. A positive hit from the device does not indicate the presence of a substance, but merely that the object or person being screened had recently come into contact with the substance.

MobileTrace screenings may only be conducted on inmates and their belongings.


Only those operators who are trained by certified personnel in the operation of the MobileTrace device can collect samples from individuals or items being screened.


Each Unit Commander assigned a MobileTrace device shall generate a unit order describing when and where persons shall be screened, the staffing requirements to safely do so, and logistical considerations pertaining to their facility. Unit orders shall be written with the understanding that the devices are portable and the goal is to enhance facility security by screening persons entering the custody environment.

Each unit shall forward copies of any new or revised unit orders to Custody Support Services (CSS) for review, prior to implementation (CDM 1-09/000.00).


Each MobileTrace device is a fixed asset/serialized item and shall be controlled in accordance with the Department Manual of Policy and Procedures, Volume 3, Chapter 6 "Equipment, Supply and Maintenance."