The B-SCAN is a pass-through safety screening system that is capable of revealing contraband concealed in clothing as well as inside body cavities without the need to remove an inmate’s clothing. This technology is aimed at curtailing the supply of contraband entering custody facilities while providing additional privacy during intake and routine searches. Instituting this safety screening program in Custody Services Division facilities is meant to reduce the amount of contraband that enters undetected.
The B-SCAN is intended to reduce the need to perform routine visual body cavity searches of newly-booked inmates, court returnees, or during routine movement of inmates. Pre-arraigned inmates have no exemption from the safety screening process.
[REDACTED TEXT] In an effort to reduce contraband, inmates may also be screened on a routine basis, [REDACTED TEXT] or when personnel have a suspicion an inmate may be concealing any form of contraband.
If at any time an inmate becomes recalcitrant during any part of the screening or subsequent searching process they shall be handled as described in CDM section 7-02/020.00, “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile, or Aggressive Inmates.”
Depending on the type of inmate refusing the body scan (i.e., felony, misdemeanor, infraction), custody personnel shall follow the below list of procedures and guidelines:
Felony inmates:
Felony inmates, including pre-arraigned felony inmates, who refuse to submit to a body scan, shall be subject to a visual body cavity search as described in CDM section 5-08/010.00, “Searches.”
Inmates who are on parole or post release community supervision (PRCS), shall be handled in the same manner as felony inmates. This includes inmates entering IRC for a flash incarceration (Penal Code 3454).
Pre-arraigned misdemeanor and infraction inmates:
If “individualized suspicion and articulable facts” exist, custody personnel shall only perform a visual body cavity search upon completion of a “Strip Search Authorization Record” (SH-R-399) with approval from the watch commander.
Inmates who have already been arraigned shall be handled in the same manner as the felony inmates described above.
Inmates with Physical Disabilities:
Inmates with physical impairments who are unable to physically stand for the screening process; inmates physically too large to pass through the machine; or inmates unable to stand still for the duration of the safety screening process, shall be searched as described in CDM section 5-08/010.00, “Searches.” Medical personnel shall be consulted if there is any question as to whether or not an inmate can be screened.
Inmates who are known to be pregnant shall not be screened. Inmates who are unsure of their pregnancy status may request a pregnancy test from Correctional Health Services (CHS) personnel. Pregnant inmates shall be subject to visual body cavity searches in lieu of the B-SCAN safety screening process as described in CDM section 5-08/010.00, “Searches.”
B-SCAN safety screenings do not preclude custody personnel from continuing other types of thorough and routine searches, as needed to maintain a safe and secure jail environment. Custody personnel shall continue to conduct routine contraband searches of all inmates and their environments.
All B-SCAN screening system operators shall be trained by Custody Training and Standards Bureau (CTSB) or their designee(s), in the operation of the system and how to properly identify contraband within a scanned image displayed on the screens.
Custody assistants should be assigned as the primary staff responsible for operating and evaluating the scanned images for detection of contraband. However, deputies may occasionally be required to operate B-SCAN equipment. Deputies will primarily staff the B-SCAN security positions. Custody assistants may, on occasion, be placed in the security positions under the supervision of sworn personnel.
Personnel who have not been formally trained on the operation of the B-SCAN screening system or personnel who are pregnant, shall not operate the system. Any other exceptions shall be the decision of the on-duty watch commander. If a trained operator is not available, alternative searching procedures shall be utilized as described in CDM section 5-08/010.00, “Searches.”
B-SCAN screening operators, and any personnel in a position to directly observe the B-SCAN display, shall be of the same gender as the inmates being screened.
A video camera shall be permanently stored at each B-SCAN screening system for use when an inmate becomes recalcitrant. At the beginning of each shift, the B-SCAN operator shall inspect the camera to make sure it functions, the battery is full, and recording media are available and have sufficient storage space.
The amount of x-ray exposure from B-SCAN screening systems is extremely low. In addition, no x-ray radiation reaches beyond the safety zones clearly marked around the base of the system or through the side panels to reach the operator(s).
Each facility unit commander shall designate a sergeant as their “Radiation Safety Officer” (RSO). In an effort to ensure operators are not exposed to excessive radiation, dosimeters shall be purchased by each facility and issued by the facility RSO or their designee. Dosimeters shall be worn by all personnel at the neck/chest level whenever operating the equipment. Dosimeters shall be regularly exchanged by the RSO or their designee and evaluated as per manufacturer specifications.
The facility RSO or their designee shall be responsible for registering their dosimeters with Mirion Technology’s “My Dosimeter Report” dosimeter monitoring site. This site provides the current exposure readings as well as year to date and lifetime readings of personnel who have operated the equipment. Acceptable exposure limits established by the State of California are made available in this report. Any employee whose exposure exceeds the acceptable levels shall be immediately notified by the RSO and they shall be reassigned to an alternative work location until their exposure limit no longer exceeds the acceptable levels. Dosimeters shall be stored in the employee’s locker when not in use. All dosimeter records shall be kept in compliance with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements listed in Regulatory Guide 8.4.
B-SCAN screening systems are for use on inmates only. No other persons shall be asked or ordered to submit to be scanned under any circumstances. Custody personnel may voluntarily submit to a screening in order to test the function of the machine, instruct in its use, and/or demonstrate if or how concealed items appear on the display.
Requests for service shall be made by the facilities by calling the B-SCAN vendor, Smith’s Detection, at [REDACTED TEXT]. When a request for service has been made to the vendor, notification shall be made to Custody Support Services Bureau via email.
Whenever contraband is discovered as the result of a B-SCAN screening or during an alternate search initiated by an inmate’s refusal or inability to enter the B-SCAN screening system, the handling sergeant shall make an entry into the electronic Line Operations Tracking System (e-LOTS), prior to the conclusion of the shift on which the contraband was discovered. The handling sergeant shall also ensure any necessary criminal or disciplinary reports are completed in a timely manner.
In order to enter the incident into e-LOTS, the handling sergeant shall select the “Body Scanner Found Contraband” option on the drop down selection box on page 1, then indicate if the inmate refused the body scan by selecting the appropriate option. Follow up questions will automatically populate based on responses entered by the handling sergeant until the entry is completed.
Each facility utilizing screeners shall generate a unit order describing when and where inmates shall be screened, the staffing requirements to do so safely, and the logistical considerations pertaining to their facility. Unit orders shall be written with the understanding that the goal is to screen all inmates entering the custody facility where
B-SCANS are installed.