1-09/000.00 Unit Manuals, Orders, and Duty Statements

Unit commanders are responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of unit orders, unit manuals, and duty statements describing procedures unique to individual facilities. Unit manuals, orders, and duty statements shall supplement the Custody Division Manual (CDM) and the Department Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP). Unit orders, in some cases, may be more restrictive than Division or Department Policy, but may not require a lower standard of performance. Unit manuals and/or unit orders shall be accessible to personnel via the Department's Intranet.

Duty statements for each assignment shall be immediately accessible to all personnel at their given work area. Each duty statement will provide detailed information regarding the tasks and responsibilities for the given position. Duty statements shall be guided by the Department's Mission Statement and Core Values, and be compliant with all policies, laws, and Title 15 Regulations.

In addition to the specific job functions and tasks of an assigned post, each duty statement shall also include the following responsibilities of every Department member:

All personnel are expected to assist inmates seeking available programs offered throughout the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) jail system, including Education Based Incarceration (EBI). All inmates are issued a copy of jail rules and regulations and subject to discipline for violating those rules. It is extremely important the actions of all Department members are predicated on upholding respect and professionalism, even in situations where authoritative action or force is required.

Unit commanders or their designee shall periodically review and revise their unit manuals, unit orders, and duty statements in accordance with changes in our Legal, Division, and Departmental requirements and procedures. Updates and changes shall be recorded to assure validity of information. Each unit shall forward copies of any new or revised unit orders to Custody Support Services (CSS) for review, prior to implementation.