5-03/120.00 Meningitis Line Procedures

When a suspected case of meningitis has been diagnosed in the inmate population, the facility charge nurse shall notify the watch commander and the inmate(s) shall be transferred to the nearest contract hospital for evaluation. The Chief Physician or his designee shall notify the concerned facility's watch commander of the following: 

  • The name and booking number of the inmate
  • The hospital where the inmate is being treated
  • The most recent housing area(s) of the inmate
  • The necessity of restricting the transfer of inmates that were housed with the inmate being treated to other housing areas. This restriction of inmate movement is not a quarantine. Inmates should not be restricted to their housing unit, only transfers should be restricted
  • The names of exposed inmates to be evaluated and treated, if necessary  

Upon completion of the diagnosis, the Chief Physician shall notify the concerned facility's watch commander of the following: 

  • The nature or type of disease diagnosed
  • When inmates may resume regular activities, if applicable
  • Other information as may be deemed appropriate  

The watch commander shall disseminate information concerning inmates in the facility who have been exposed to or infected by Meningitis to all employees, medical personnel, contract persons, and volunteers who may have direct contact with the exposed inmates. He shall also notify the appropriate Classification Unit and the next shift watch commander.