5-03/110.00 Non-Emergency Optical and Dental Services

Non-emergency optical and dental services shall be available to all inmates who meet the following requirements: 

  • Inmates must be certified by the medical staff as being in need of the service;
  • Inmates must be sentenced and have a balance of at least 60 days to serve on their sentence;
  • Inmates must have sufficient funds on deposit with the jail cashier to defray expenses and materials.  

Indigent Inmates

Inmates who are indigent and unable to afford reading glasses can order a pair of glasses through the commissary vendor. The reading glasses will be provided to the inmate; however, the total cost of the glasses will be deducted from the inmate's trust fund account any time the funds become available.

Court Orders

Custody personnel will consult with Correctional Health Services (CHS) regarding the issuance of prescription eye wear or hearing aids, or repairs to existing dentures and bridges, for inmates who have court orders.