5-03/140.00 Inmates in Critical Condition and/or Death Imminent

Personnel providing security for inmates who are admitted to a hospital outside of a custody facility, and where the inmate is in critical condition and/or death imminent, shall provide an updated status of the inmate's medical condition to the concerned watch commander at least once per shift.  

In special circumstances where an inmate in the custody of the Sheriff's Department becomes ill or is injured to the extent that they are diagnosed by the proper medical authority to be in critical condition and/or death imminent, an expedited “compassionate release” may be sought. CDM section 5-03/145.00, “Compassionate Release Procedures,” shall be adhered to when the Department determines that the compassionate release of an inmate is appropriate. In cases where an inmate is in critical condition and/or death imminent and a compassionate release is not appropriate, personnel shall adhere to the procedures below.


It is the responsibility of the shift watch commander to notify the Access to Care Bureau (ACB) captain, or designee, when an inmate is in critical condition or has been deemed death imminent. The concerned watch commander shall also contact Homicide Bureau in instances where the inmate has been declared death imminent.  

Upon notification by the concerned watch commander that an inmate is in critical condition or has been declared death imminent, the ACB captain or designee shall make notification to the Custody Compliance and Sustainability Bureau (CCSB), the Inmate Reception Center (IRC) records office, the respective division chief(s) or designee(s), the Public Defender’s Office, and the following Correctional Health Services (CHS) entities: the Risk Assessment Team (RAT), the Comprehensive Care Team (CCT), the Medical Command Center (MCC), the Chief Nursing Officer, and the Chief Medical Officer.

The concerned watch commander shall also notify the CCSB captain or designee in the event of a suicide attempt, serious illness, or injury of a minor in a Custody Services Division jail facility or station jail where the minor is under the supervision of Department personnel. The CCSB captain or designee shall make notification to the court of jurisdiction and the parent, guardian, person standing in loco parentis, or other appropriate next-of-kin, in accordance with Title 15, Section 1047, "Serious Illness or Injury of a Minor in an Adult Detention Facility." In the event of a suicide attempt, serious illness, or injury of a minor in a court lock-up, refer to Court Services Division Manual section 2-05/035.30, "Juvenile Handling Procedures." 


Inmates who are declared death imminent may be allowed visitation absent immediate safety concerns or exigent circumstances. Visitation will be at the discretion of the concerned watch commander. Upon notification to the next-of-kin, potential visitors shall be checked for possible officer safety threats.

No more than two (2) visitors shall be permitted to visit at one time. The number of visitors may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the concerned shift watch commander. Visitation shall be allowed for a reasonable time period and all visitors are subject to search. All approved visitors shall complete and sign a "Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Visitation Agreement and Civil Claims Release" form (SH-J-474) prior to visitation. All visits shall be logged in the inmate's "Hospital Visitation Log" (SH-J-476) and shall denote the name of the visitor and the times the visit began and ended.  

Visits may be cancelled at any time if a security or safety concern arises. Hospital personnel may make a determination a visit cannot occur or must be terminated due to operational or medical concerns. If a visit was denied or terminated for any reason, the name of the person denying/terminating the visit, the reason, and the time of denial/termination shall be noted in the Hospital Visitation Log (SH-J-476) and in the concerned Watch Commander’s Log. All visits shall be conducted in accordance with Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 5-10/010.00, "Inmate Visiting." All visiting rules set forth by the respective hospital or medical facility treating the inmate shall apply.