5-01/040.00 Inmate Classification and Handling Requests

Requests to have inmates placed on "Special Handling" status shall be submitted using the Electronic Special Handling program to the Population Management Bureau (PMB) Classification Unit (male inmates) and Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF) (female inmates). Telephone requests will be accepted only from those units or agencies who do not have access to the Electronic Special Handling program. Any personnel receiving a special handling request shall refer the person submitting the request to PMB or CRDF for special handling disposition. A copy of the Inmate Special Handling Request shall accompany the inmate to IRC or CRDF as appropriate.

When a special handle request is received, Classification Unit personnel shall review the request with the PMB Classification sergeant to ensure that each request is complete and justified prior to issuance of a special handling classification.

The special handling request shall include:

• Name and telephone number of the officer(s) making the original request;
• The reason for the special handling request, adequately explained and justified in writing. In the event that this information is not provided the inmate shall be temporarily classified as a [REDACTED TEXT].

All special handling requests shall be submitted to the PMB Classification Unit (male inmates) and CRDF (female inmates) for follow-up and processing. Whenever a classification request or Special Handling Request is received from an outside agency, involving the following classifications: [REDACTED TEXT], the request shall be forwarded to the Custody Investigative Services (CIS) - Jail Liaison Unit. The CIS-Jail Liaison shall contact the requesting officer/agency and based upon the information received, make a recommendation as to the special handling status of the concerned inmate. The special handling request and investigating unit's recommendation shall be forwarded to the PMB Classification lieutenant or sergeant who will make the final determination as to special handling status.

Any classification or reclassification of a special handle inmate shall be referred to the PMB Classification Unit for male inmates or the CRDF Prisoner Personnel Office (PPO) for female inmates. Any classification or reclassification of a [REDACTED TEXT] administratively segregated inmate shall be referred to the CIS-Jail Liaison Unit. After confirmation of the request by the Jail Liaison Unit, it shall be forwarded to PMB or PPO by the Jail Liaison Unit.

A reasonable effort shall be made to contact the original officer requesting the special handling prior to declassifying or reclassifying an inmate when such declass or reclass would directly affect the security intended by the requesting individual.


The PMB Classification Unit for male inmates, and the PPO classification unit for female inmates, are responsible for maintaining inmate special handling files, and for disseminating information to concerned units regarding prisoners who require a special handling classification.