5-01/045.00 Inmate Handling - Specific Classifications


Restrictive Housing is designated for inmates who are administratively segregated when their out-of-cell time is limited to less than two (2) hours per day. Housing areas that may meet this criterion include those inmates with the following classifications: [REDACTED TEXT].

Short-term restricted housing - locations where inmates are housed for a short period of time (less than 30 days) such as classification investigation housing.

Long-term restricted housing - locations where inmates are housed for more than 30 days.

Restricted Housing locations shall be visited by the facility captain or designee (minimum rank of sergeant) on a daily basis. Inmate requests, problems, or concerns received by the designee may be emailed to the Custody Investigative Services (CIS) - Jail Liaison Unit. Emergent requests, problems, or concerns shall be addressed by the facility's personnel and emailed to the CIS - Jail Liaison Unit.

CIS - Jail Liaison personnel shall visit Restricted Housing locations on a weekly basis. CIS - Jail Liaison personnel shall report or address any requests, problems, or concerns.

Personnel permanently assigned to Restrictive Housing locations shall be properly trained, have suitable experience, receive specialized training, and have a good working knowledge of the Custody Information Portal, Inmate Reports Tracking System (IRTS), and the Automated Justice Information System (AJIS). The criteria for placement into these restrictive housing locations is to be determined by the unit commanders and shall conform to the local unit's training and rotation policies and procedures.

When an inmate in long-term Restrictive Housing is deprived of any commonly authorized items or activity, a report of the action shall be made within the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL) and the floor sergeant or designee (noted above) shall be notified. 

Jail Mental Health Evaluation Team (JMET) members shall be responsible for visiting all Restrictive Housing locations weekly to locate inmates with mental health needs who were not identified during screening or who have decompensated. 

Access to Programs

Access to programs shall not be curtailed simply due to the classification of inmates within Restricted Housing. Programs and offerings shall be made available depending on availability, accessibility, and facility security.

Indoor and Outdoor Recreation

Title 15 Minimum Standards shall be maintained and any additional out of cell time (indoor and outdoor recreation) shall be afforded to inmates in Restricted Housing as facility availability, accessibility, and security allow.

Behavior Based Reintegration "STEP" Program

Jail Liaison personnel monitors the facilities' Behavior Based Reintegration "STEP" Program and makes recommendations to the facility captains for placement of inmates into the program. Placement into the Behavior Based Reintegration "STEP" Program is dependent upon housing availability.


[REDACTED TEXT] - Highly Dangerous Inmates

The following procedures shall be adhered to when handling [REDACTED TEXT] inmates:

  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be the only inmates allowed in a recreation area at any one time, unless when secured to treatment chairs.
  • A supervisor should be assigned to the [REDACTED TEXT] housing location (floor, module, or dorm) or shall be immediately available at all times due to the high-security level of these inmates.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be waist chained when escorted outside of their cell. They shall remain isolated from the general population and other [REDACTED TEXT] inmates when housed in temporary holding areas such as visiting, medical facilities, court facilities, and during transportation.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be waist chained while being transported.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be housed in single person cells and kept away from all other inmates.
  • No housing movements shall be made without approval by CIS-Jail Liaison Unit, unless emergent circumstances exist and the facility watch commander approves the move.

[REDACTED TEXT] – Highly Disruptive (Active) Inmates

The following procedures shall be adhered to when specifically handling [REDACTED TEXT] inmates:

  • A supervisor should be assigned to the [REDACTED TEXT] housing location (floor, module, or dorm) or shall be immediately available at all times due to the high-security level of these inmates.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates housed together shall be handcuffed and escorted while outside of their cell. They shall remain isolated from the general population and other inmates when housed in temporary holding areas such as visiting, medical facilities, court facilities, and during transportation.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be waist chained while being transported.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates may be housed or recreate with compatible inmates as approved by the CIS-Jail Liaison Unit.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be kept away from all inmates, other than their designated compatible inmates.
  • No housing movements shall be made without approval by CIS-Jail Liaison Unit, unless emergent circumstances exist and the facility watch commander approves the move.

[REDACTED TEXT] - Highly Disruptive (Protective Custody) Inmates

The following procedures shall be adhered to when specifically handling [REDACTED TEXT] inmates:

  • A supervisor should be assigned to the [REDACTED TEXT] housing location (floor, module, or dorm) or shall be immediately available at all times due to the high-security level of these inmates.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates housed together are not required to be waist chained when escorted outside of their cell unless circumstances require it. They shall remain isolated from the general population and other inmates when housed in temporary holding areas such as visiting, medical facilities, court facilities, and during transportation.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be waist chained while being transported.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates may be housed with compatible inmates as approved by CIS-Jail Liaison Unit.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be kept away from all other inmates other than their designated compatible inmates or others within their classification.
  • Compatible [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be the only inmates allowed in a recreation area at any one time.
  • No housing movements or reassignments may be made without approval by CIS-Jail Liaison Unit, unless exigent circumstances exist and the facility watch commander approves the move.

[REDACTED TEXT] - Disruptive and receiving additional medical or mental health services

The following procedures shall be adhered to when handling [REDACTED TEXT] inmates:

  • A supervisor should be assigned to the [REDACTED TEXT] housing location (floor, module, or dorm) designated for cohabitating inmates or shall be immediately available at all times due to the high-security level of these inmates.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates housed together are not required to be waist chained when escorted outside of their cell unless other circumstances require it. They shall remain isolated from the general population and other inmates when housed in temporary holding areas such as visiting, medical facilities, court facilities, and during transportation.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be waist chained while being transported.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates may be housed with compatible inmates as approved by the CIS - Jail Liaison Unit.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be kept away from all other inmates other than their designated compatible inmates.
  • No housing movements or reassignments may be made without approval by the CIS - Jail Liaison Unit, unless exigent circumstances exist and the facility watch commander approves the move.
  • [REDACTED TEXT] inmates require consultation with mental health and/or health care staff for reassignments.

[REDACTED TEXT] inmates:





Intra-module movement (within module)

Waist chained



Intra-Jail movement (between modules)

Waist chained



Major movements

Handcuffed and/or waist chained



Internal Escort (Deputy: Inmate)


1:1 minimum

1:1 minimum

Video Escort

As mandated

As mandated

As mandated

Sgt. Escort

As mandated

As mandated

As mandated

Leg Chains

As mandated

As mandated

As mandated

Black Box

As mandated

As mandated

As mandated


[REDACTED TEXT] - Pregnant Female Inmates

The following procedures shall be adhered to when handling K-8 pregnant females:

  • Issued an [REDACTED TEXT] wristband loop.
  • Shall not be housed in Extended Restricted Housing or isolation cells.
  • See Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 7-02/010.00, "Pregnant Inmates" for additional handling and restraint guidance.
  • Specific handling and guidance per Penal Code 3407.
    • (a) An inmate known to be pregnant or in recovery after delivery shall not be restrained by the use of leg irons, waist chains, or handcuffs behind the body.
    • (b) A pregnant inmate in labor, during delivery, or in recovery after delivery, shall not be restrained by the wrists, ankles, or both, unless deemed necessary for the safety and security of the inmate, the staff, or the public.
    • (c) Restraints shall be removed when a professional who is currently responsible for the medical care of a pregnant inmate during a medical emergency, labor, delivery, or recovery after delivery determines that the removal of restraints is medically necessary.

[REDACTED TEXT] - Administrative Segregation for Pre-Arraigned Inmates

Case law stipulates that administratively segregated pre-arraigned inmates cannot be subjected to a strip search. A strip search of [REDACTED TEXT] inmates may be done with watch commander approval if "individualized suspicion and articulable facts" exist. The watch commander shall complete and sign a "Strip Search Authorization Record" (SH-R-399), which shall be forwarded to the unit commander for review.


The following procedures shall be adhered to when handling sub-classification inmates:

[REDACTED TEXT] - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex (LGBTI):

  • Shall not to be housed in Restricted Housing based on gender identity alone.
  • Must be escorted at all times.
  • If space is not available to segregate an inmate in a court lockup, the escorting officers may be required to remain with the prisoner until they are returned to the Inmate Reception Center (IRC).
  • Depending on their keep-away classification, they require segregation during transportation and at the court lockup.
  • Inmates so classified, particularly [REDACTED TEXT], may, at the discretion of the IRC watch commander, be transported to court by the arresting/investigating unit or agency.
  • If an inmate is classified with a reserve code, appropriate security should be provided regarding housing and transporting the inmate.
  • See CDM for additional handling procedures.

[REDACTED TEXT] - Suicidal:

  • See CDM section 5-01/050.00, "Handling of Suicidal Inmates" and other sections for handling guidelines and procedures.

[REDACTED TEXT] (court ordered keep-away)
[REDACTED TEXT] (escape risk)
[REDACTED TEXT] (fragile)
[REDACTED TEXT] (highly dangerous)
[REDACTED TEXT] (visually impaired)
[REDACTED TEXT] (psychotropic medication)
[REDACTED TEXT] (contempt of court)
[REDACTED TEXT] (noteworthy)
[REDACTED TEXT] (condemned):

  • Must be escorted at all times.
  • If space is not available to segregate an inmate in a court lockup, the escorting officers may be required to remain with the prisoner until they are returned to the Inmate Reception Center.
  • Depending on their keep-away classification, they require segregation during transportation and at the court lockup.
  • Inmates so classified, particularly [REDACTED TEXT], may, at the discretion of the IRC watch commander, be transported to court by the arresting/investigating unit or agency.
  • If an inmate is classified with a reserve code, appropriate security should be provided regarding housing and transporting the inmate.
  • See CDM section 5-01/030.00, "Inmate Classification and Identification" for additional handling procedures for these sub-classifications.