5-01/035.00 Medical and Mental Health Holds

Certain inmates within Custody Services Division have known medical and/or mental health conditions which require varying methods of treatment. Inmates who have acute and/or chronic medical and/or mental health conditions requiring treatment throughout their stay shall be identified by Correctional Health Services (CHS). In the event any Department member encounters an inmate who they believe is in need of healthcare treatment, Department members shall refer the inmate to the appropriate CHS staff.

Any inmate who requires healthcare treatment offered only within specified custody facilities shall have a medical or psychiatric hold placed in the Automated Justice Information System (AJIS). CHS staff shall be responsible for entering the medical and/or psychiatric hold into the “Electronic Medical Record.” Once the hold is entered, the information will automatically be updated into AJIS and shall be available on the IC10 screen.

In the event an inmate with a medical and/or psychiatric hold arrives at any custody facility not specified as a designated facility where treatment is offered, Department members shall notify the facility watch sergeant immediately. It shall be the responsibility of the watch sergeant to determine whether or not the medical and/or psychiatric hold is still in effect. In the event the medical and/or psychiatric hold is confirmed to be in effect, the watch sergeant shall ensure CHS staff is contacted immediately and appropriate arrangements are made to transport the inmate to the Inmate Reception Center (IRC) or Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF) without delay. However, if it is determined the hold is no longer in effect, the watch sergeant shall notify medical and/or mental health staff and ensure the inmate’s classification status is updated. All reclassifications from medical and/or psychiatric hold shall be approved by CHS staff.