4-10/005.00 Disposition of Use of Force Review and Staff Discipline

If the Department does not terminate a custody operations staff member who, after an administrative investigation, is found to have been dishonest during an investigation, used excessive force, failed to report a use of force, or violated Department policies under the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), the Department shall take the following steps, in addition to any discipline it may impose: 

  • Document why the member was not terminated;
  • At the conclusion of the investigation, complete a Disposition of Administrative Investigation Form (SH-J-631);
  • Place the member on a Performance Mentoring Program;
  • Closely monitor the member's performance.

NOTE: The unit commander, or designee, shall be responsible for the completion of the Disposition of Administrative Investigation Form and shall include it with the investigation packet.

Further, the Department shall report the following, quarterly, to the Office of Inspector General: 

  • All custody operations staff members who failed to report a use of force;
  • All post-administrative investigation findings of dishonesty during investigation, excessive force, or PREA violations by custody operations staff;
  • Discipline imposed by the Department for such violations, if any;
  • Documentation reflecting why the staff member was not terminated for such violation.