4-10/010.00 Accountability/Risk Management Program

This section consolidates and describes the various actions and reporting requirements mandated for units and individuals as part of the Custody Division's Accountability/Risk Management Program. This program is a comprehensive effort to comply with, and audit compliance to, critical Department policies relating to high liability issues.  

Throughout this section, "quarterly" refers to regular calendar quarters (i.e. January through March). Required monthly and quarterly reports are due by the 10th of the month following the reporting period.  

A detailed explanation of all required reports is provided in Custody Division Manual, section 4-10/020.00, "Area and Unit Commander Reports."  

Force Management  

Each Force Review Package shall include an element which evaluates the incident for any training need or value. The watch commander shall include this evaluation in his/her memorandum to the unit commander. All appropriate packages shall be routed to the unit's training unit for evaluation of training merit, and this routing shall be documented in the Force Review Package.  

Each unit shall develop quarterly tactical briefings which are based on force incidents which have occurred at their unit. These briefings are to primarily focus on training issues. Prior to distribution, briefings are to be submitted to Training Division-Custody Unit to ensure consistency with Departmental training objectives and standards. A copy shall be forwarded to Custody Division Headquarters for review and distribution to other Division units.  

Unit commanders shall monitor recurrent force training and review lieutenants' and sergeants' presentations. The Division's Monthly Management Report includes a section on recurrent force training to report this requirement.  

Unit commanders shall ensure that evaluators make specific reference to sergeants' and lieutenants' skills in managing force in all yearly performance evaluations.  

Unit commanders shall identify and commend managers and supervisors responsible for thorough, well-documented force investigations.  

Public Complaint Process  

Unit commanders shall report on the monthly management report the number of conflict resolution meetings they have had each month with dissatisfied complainants, including a synopsis of the outcome of the conflict resolution conference.  

Area Commanders will be responsible for reviewing all WCSCR's generated by the Units under their command. Their findings shall be documented on an Area Commander Watch Commander Service Comment Report Log and submitted with the other quarterly reports.  


Unit commanders shall use the disposition worksheet format in all founded administrative investigations, including traffic collisions. The disposition worksheet addresses aggravating and mitigating factors, including the employee's performance history, and describes the appropriate level of discipline based upon the specific founded charge.  

Unit commanders, when practical, shall personally serve any letters of intent for suspensions of three days or more. Unit commanders will take this opportunity to explain to the subject the rationale for the discipline, and genuinely attempt to have the discipline serve as a learning experience.  

Unit commanders shall establish a follow-up plan for employee training, mentoring, and monitoring for any employee suspended for three days or more. This plan must include an assessment of past performance, the current violation, and the potential for employee improvement. The plan will then establish a course of action to be taken commencing no later than the date of return to work by the employee. The plan will include a designated supervisor who will act as a mentor/monitor, and will welcome the employee back to work from the suspension. The mentor/monitor, minimally, will submit two quarterly reports to the unit commander addressing the progress of the employee. These plans and reports will be maintained in the unit's administrative files and will be assessed and audited annually during the unit's command inspection.  

Performance Evaluations  

Each unit commander shall submit a quarterly report (refer to Custody Division Manual, section 4-10/020.00, Area and Unit Commander Reports) on the status of evaluations at their unit. This report will identify when each employee received their last evaluation, what overall rating the employee received, and when the next evaluation is due.  

Unit commanders shall require that employees' employee performance log/report pages are submitted with their evaluations, and included for review by each unit manager involved in the evaluation review process. Each unit manager involved in this review will sign the performance log/report to document the review. The log/report will be maintained in the Unit's administrative files until displaced during subsequent evaluation processes. This file will be reviewed as part of the annual command inspection process.  

Automated Employee Performance Tracking  

Unit commanders shall access the Department's Personal Performance Index (P.P.I.) Database, and any other tracking systems, to identify individuals they perceive to be potential problem employees. Unit commanders will report quarterly on the progress of employees who have been identified as potentially problematic (refer to Custody Division Manual, section 4-10/020.00, Area and Unit Commander Reports). This report will include information on discussions and counseling sessions which have taken place between the employee and his/her supervisors and unit managers. This process shall continue for a minimum of four consecutive quarters, at which time the unit commander will determine and report whether additional employee mentoring and/or monitoring is necessary.  

Internal Culture  

Unit commanders shall personally meet with complainants and subjects who have been involved in unresolved or unfounded sexual harassment/discrimination cases, as described in the Department's sexual harassment and discrimination policies. Unit commanders will attempt to minimize the potential of future disputes between the parties and/or others. A brief synopsis of these discussions will be recorded and maintained in each unit's administrative files for a period of one year. This file will be audited as part of the annual command inspection.  

Unit commanders shall identify "coveted" positions within their unit and report each quarter on the demographic make-up of these, and non-coveted unit assignments. Unit commanders are expected to maintain a diverse work force.  

Executive's Accountability Emphases Plan  

This directive identifies several areas for which the Division Chief is responsible to emphasize appropriate conduct. It ensures that designated topics are regularly addressed during designated Division staff meetings. Topics not discussed due to the lack of a meeting will be emphasized in the subsequent meeting. It will be the responsibility of the Commander who has the collateral duty for the risk management/accountability to document these discussions.  


The Chief and Area Commanders will emphasize the Department's core values, particularly as they apply to the use of force.  


The Chief and Area Commanders will emphasize the fact that the Department's responsiveness to public and inmate complaints is a key element in our relationship with our "clients," and the communities we serve. Paramount to that responsiveness is that complainants have free and total access to the complaint procedure and that, once a complaint is filed, the complaint is throughly and objectively investigated.  


The Chief and Area Commanders will emphasize that the quality of administrative investigations is vital in maintaining organizational integrity. It will be stressed that administrative investigations must be thorough, accurate, and objective, and completed in a timely manner.  


The Chief and Area Commanders will stress the importance of a fair and unbiased disciplinary system. Employees must be made to understand that discipline will be both just and sure for acts or omissions which result in a violation of Departmental policy or state law. It will be emphasized that the administration of discipline will be consistent, and in accordance with Departmental policy.  


The Chief and Area Commanders will emphasize that the "events" produced in the P.P.I. database do not establish a problem employee. It will be stressed that this data serves only as an indicator that a more detailed analysis of the employee's performance should be initiated.  


The Chief and Area Commanders will emphasize that all aspects of the Division policies and practices must be free from discrimination, harassment, and a hostile work environment. It will be stressed that the fair, impartial, and appropriate treatment of others is of primary concern to this Division's management team. Further, unit commanders will be instructed to be pro-active in seeking out instances of discriminatory or inappropriate actions of Departmental members.  


The Chief and Area Commanders will discuss and evaluate Division-wide risk management efforts. Risk management documents handed out to the Division's unit commanders will be maintained in files at Custody Division Headquarters.