4-10/020.00 Area and Unit Commander Reports

Unit Commander's Quarterly Report

Quarterly, Custody Division unit commanders will audit various accountability elements at their unit, and shall submit a quarterly report which addresses the areas as listed below. The Unit Commander's Quarterly Report is due by the tenth day of the month following each calendar quarter and should be routed to the Chief through each respective Area Commanders. The quarterly report should be submitted on office correspondence and must address each of the following five areas. Include attachments as necessary.  

  • Section 1 - Tactical Briefings: Each unit shall develop a quarterly tactical briefing which is based on force incidents which have occurred at their unit. These briefings are to primarily focus on training issues and are to be submitted to Custody Division Headquarters for distribution to Division trainers, after review by Training Division-Custody to ensure consistency with Departmental training objectives and standards. Attach a copy of the quarterly tactical briefing
  • Section 2 - Employee Progress: Unit commanders will report quarterly on the progress of "at risk" employees who have been identified as potentially problematic. This report will include an assessment of the employee's performance and information on discussions and counseling sessions which have taken place between the employee and his/her supervisors and unit managers
  • Section 3 - Coveted Assignments: Unit commanders shall identify "coveted" positions within their unit, and report each quarter on the demographic make-up of these coveted unit assignments. Unit commanders are expected to maintain a diverse work force
  • Section 4 - Hazing: Unit commanders shall submit a quarterly report regarding discussions they have had with Custody Training Officers (CTO's) and trainees regarding "hazing." These discussions must reflect a "zero tolerance" policy on the part of the unit commander. Such discussions shall occur regularly as unit commanders meet with CTO's, trainees, and training supervisors
  • Section 5 - Performance Evaluations: Each unit commander shall submit a quarterly report on the status of evaluations at their unit. This report will identify when each employee received their last evaluation, what overall rating the employee received, and when the next evaluation is due. Also, the report shall provide statistical information regarding the total number of evaluations, number of delinquent evaluations, and amount of time of such delinquency. The statistical information shall be included in a format consistent with the table below  












0-30 DAYS

31-60 DAYS

61-90 DAYS

91+ DAYS






Area Commanders' Reports  

Area Commanders will submit a quarterly report which minimally covers the following information for each unit under their command: 

  • An audit of three force review packages per unit and report. Complete attached form
  • A log which documents their analysis of Watch Commander's Service Comment Reports for required letters, quality of review, etc.
  • The results of the Risk Management Commander's quarterly contact with the County Ombudsman regarding any issues affecting the Division
  • An audit of three unit level administrative investigations per unit using the Administrative Investigation Audit Evaluation Checklist Form
  • Area Commanders are required to personally contact complainants in administrative investigations where the complaint is withdrawn prior to seeking the Chief's concurrence. Area commanders shall report all such instances of withdrawn complaints on their quarterly report
  • Reviews of unit Commander's service of suspensions of three days or more  

Annually, Area Commanders will inspect and report on the following areas for their assigned unit's annual command inspections: 

  • Are the "1-800" complaint bumper stickers and lobby placards in place?
  • Mentoring reports submitted to the unit commander for personnel suspended for three or more days
  • A review of the process which ensures there is an appropriate correlation between the performance log entries and performance evaluations
  • An audit of "at risk" employee performance evaluations to determine the objectivity in how it is written regarding the potential problematic areas previously identified by the unit commanders
  • An audit of evaluations of persons who received formal discipline to ensure it is included in the performance evaluation
  • An audit of the administrative files of discussions the unit commander has had with complainants and subjects of unfounded and unresolved sexual harassment and/or discrimination investigations  

Custody Support Services Responsibility  

It will be the responsibility of Custody Support Services to provide the necessary blank report forms to the Area Commanders, by the first day of each new quarter (July 1, October 1, etc.).