4-10/000.05 Sheriff's Critical Issues Forum

The Sheriff’s Critical Issues Forum (SCIF) is a risk management process for the Department’s executives and facility/unit commanders to review incident statistics that reflect the function and effectiveness of the jail facilities within the Custody Services Divisions.  Through the SCIF process, critical incident statistics designated for review will be examined in two sessions per calendar year.  The first half of the year will be reviewed in a SCIF session in July- August; the complete year will be reviewed in a session conducted in January-February.

Topics of review include, but are not limited to:

  • Use of force   
  • Performance Evaluations
  • Status of Injured Employees
  • Administrative Investigations
  • Inmate Complaints

Custody Support Services is designated with the collection of SCIF data from all Custody Services Division facilities and will coordinate and facilitate each SCIF session.