3-06/020.00 Facility Inspections

To ensure the long term operation and continued security of Custody Operations Division, each facility unit commander shall ensure a unit order is maintained that delineates the necessary inspections at a facility. A facility lieutenant shall conduct weekly inspections using a facility developed checklist. The facility developed checklist may be divided into multiple checklists that may be completed throughout the week.

The facility inspection checklist(s) shall include (but is not limited to) the following areas:

  • Ensuring the function and structural integrity of all gates/bus bays allowing access into and out of a facility are operational and secure
  • Ensuring integrity of exterior security walls, fences, lighting and surveillance systems
  • Verifying functionality of interior and exterior recreation
  • Interior security staffing, lighting, gates, doors, appearance and maintenance
  • Ensuring functionality and availability of emergency response equipment, weapons, supplies, food and water
  • Checking the maintenance of exterior fencing/walls/perimeter lighting and surveillance systems
  • Ensuring the function of facility fixed camera systems

Identified hazards shall be reviewed and potential ways to mitigate the hazard shall be considered. If there is a maintenance concern, the facility lieutenant shall contact Facility Services Bureau.

The completed checklists, including findings and/or remedial action taken or recommended, shall be submitted to the unit commander. The unit commander shall review and note on the report any further remedial action which may be warranted.

The completed checklists shall be retained for one year.

Command Inspection

Custody Support Services (CSS) will review unit orders for divisional compliance. CSS will also inspect housing areas on at least an annual basis to ensure facility inspections forms meet the divisional standard. CSS will use the "Facility Suicide Hazards" pre-command inspection report worksheet, identifying potential suicide hazards in conjunction with each facilities' command inspection. Refer to the Manual of Policy and Procedures section 3-09/310.00, "Department Inspections."