3-09/310.00 - Department Inspections

Department inspections are to ensure compliance with Department policies and procedures as well as County policies.

Each Division will be involved in the inspection process.  The Division Chief/Division Director shall:

  • Ensure that each Unit within the Division is inspected annually, including its own headquarters Unit;
  • Identify any areas within the Division beyond the minimum inspection areas that necessitate review, and maintain a list of all areas;
  • Ensure that all inspection results are recorded and stored at Division headquarters.  The results shall be packaged by year and facility.  They shall be kept for a minimum of three years;
  • Ensure coordination with assisting Units who conduct inspections in their area of expertise (i.e. Armory inspection is conducted by the Range Staff; Timekeeping inspection is conducted by the Payroll Audit Training Unit);
  • Require that Units within the Division delineate on memorandum, corrective measures if deficiencies are found;
  • Promptly report any major deficiency, as determined by the concerned Division Chief or Division Director, to their Assistant Sheriff and send documentation of the major deficiency with corrective measures; and
  • Ensure that the documentation of the deficiency and corrective measures are kept with the facility package at Division headquarters.