3-09/320.00 - Department of Motor Vehicles Confidentiality Requests

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department employees requesting confidentiality of their home address through the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) must meet the following eligibility criteria as set forth in Section 1808.2, 1808.4 or 1808.6 of the California Vehicle Code.

  • Active or retired peace officers as defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code;
  • Public Response Dispatchers;
  • A Professional Staff member who submits verification that in the normal course of their employment controls or supervises inmates or is required to have a prisoner in their care or custody, such as a Custody Assistant or Matron;
  • Professional Staff designated by the Sheriff as being in a “sensitive position.”
  • Some examples that may be considered “sensitive” and considered for DMV confidentiality are an employee who holds a position in which their duties have been deemed to warrant confidentiality by the Department, or an employee who can verify that they have been the subject of stalking, as specified in Section 1708.7 of the Civil Code or Section 646.9 of the Penal Code, or where there exists a threat of death or great bodily injury to their person, as defined in Section 12022.7 of the Penal Code, or justified due to their workplace duties or requirement to testify against other law enforcement employees;
  • Spouse or child of an eligible employee, regardless of their age or place of residence.  For requests made on or after January 1, 2011, the person requesting confidentiality for their spouse or child listed in the subparagraph (A) or (B) shall declare, at the time of the request for confidentiality, whether the spouse or child has been convicted of a crime and is on active parole or probation.  In the event an employee’s family member, who was granted DMV confidentiality, is later placed on parole or probation, the employee shall immediately notify their employer.  It is the employee’s responsibility to notify the Department of any changes that would negate the privilege of maintaining DMV confidentiality; or
  • Surviving spouse or child of a peace officer who dies in the line of duty.