7-06/030.00 Inmate Assault Reporting

Supervisor Responsibility

When any assault, inmate on staff or inmate on inmate (e.g. battery, assault with a deadly weapon, etc.) occurs within the Custody Services Divisions, it is the responsibility of the handling supervisor to ensure the completion of an Incident Report (SH-R-49), a Custody Services Division Crime Analysis (SH-R-49C), and any applicable inmate injury and/or use of force documentation as delineated in Custody Division Manual (CDM) sections 4-01/020.05, “Inmate Injury/Illness Reporting,” 7-06/020.00, “Use of Force Package,” and 7-07/000.00, “Use of Force Review Procedures,” in addition to any other required documentation. (Refer to CDM sections 4-01/000.00, "Crime Reporting Procedures," 4-01/010.00, "Classification and Reporting of Facility Incidents," and 4-07/010.00, "Notification and Reporting of Significant Incidents").

Applicable data from the reports shall be entered into the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS) and the electronic Line Operations Tracking System (e-LOTS), if applicable. 

Watch Commander Responsibility

Following any employee assault or use of force, the watch commander or a designee shall ensure all necessary reports, notifications, and log entries are completed prior to the end of the shift, unless otherwise approved in accordance with CDM section 4-01/000.50, "Deferred Report Procedures." A copy of all completed crime reports shall be forwarded to the respective unit statistical coordinator for entry into LARCIS.

The original Incident Report and Custody Services Division Crime Analysis shall be placed into the URN file.  A second copy shall be placed in the related use of force package(s).

Compliance Lieutenant Responsibility

The facility compliance lieutenant or a designee shall enter the use of force incident information into the Preliminary Data Entry (PDE) system of the Performance Recording and Monitoring System (PRMS) within the first 24 hours of occurrence, or as soon as possible thereafter. Refer to CDM section 7-07/030.00, "Compliance Lieutenant."

Note: The PDE system serves as the temporary tracking site for information that will be transferred to PRMS. It serves to provide managers early notification and initial details of an incident and to provide a method of tracking and accountability for PRMS users.

Statistical Coordinator Responsibility

Upon receipt of the reports, the respective unit statistical coordinator shall ensure the data is entered into LARCIS within 48 hours, in accordance with Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) section 4-01/140.05, "Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS) - Statistical Reporting System." 

Unit Commander Responsibility

Prior to the final approval of a use of force package, the concerned unit commanders or designee shall ensure the data from the reports was accurately captured in PRMS and, if applicable, LARCIS.