All significant incidents shall be reported to the Division/Department executives. A memorandum is required to the respective Division chief from a unit commander. This memorandum shall be typed, approved by the unit watch commander, and e-mailed to the respective Division chief and the area commander without delay. The purpose of the memorandum is to immediately inform the Division and Department executives of all incidents, actions, and/or events beyond the normal scope of routine operations.
Reference to the "Significant Incident Notification Matrix" may assist personnel in determining those events to be reported. Significant incidents include, but are not limited to:
- death or serious injury of any Custody Services Division employee (on or off duty);
- employee relieved of duty;
- officer-involved shooting (on or off duty);
- in-custody inmate deaths (natural, accidental, homicide, suicide);
- attempted suicides, where the inmate was admitted to the hospital;
- major disasters at any Custody Services Division facility;
- riots or major inmate disturbances;
- category 3 Force incidents;
- the application of restraints to a pregnant inmate in labor, during delivery, or in recovery after delivery or the application of a “RIPP Hobble Restraint” on a pregnant inmate;
- escape or attempted escape;
- major mechanical failure causing a serious disruption at any Custody Services Division facility;
- Special Weapons Team responses;
- any significant incident (visit or arrest) involving a contract city, elected official, foreign official, consular, dignitary, or person of notoriety;
- facility inspections by other county or government agencies;
- interviews by news media;
- any incident of significant risk management liability;
- off duty incidents;
- erroneous releases.
If the significant incident occurs during the evening or early-morning hours, or during a weekend/holiday period, the report/memorandum shall be emailed to the respective Division chief's office prior to 0830 hours the following business day.
The concerned unit's watch commander shall also initiate the following actions in response to a significant incident:
- notify all Custody on-duty facility watch commanders via telephonic notification following a riot or major inmate disturbance;
- initiate e-mail to appropriate units, including the respective Division chief's office.