3-11/000.00 Tours of Custody Services Division Facilities


It is the policy of the Custody Services Divisions to conduct routine public tours of all jail facilities, with the exception of the Inmate Reception Center (IRC).  Public tours of IRC may be accommodated by making a special request to the unit commander.

The purpose of tours is to foster public confidence by demonstrating the professional jail environment created by the personnel of the Custody Services Divisions.

General Rules

  • Persons under sixteen years of age may not tour occupied jail facilities without the expressed approval of an area commander, or higher ranking member,
  • All persons participating in a public jail tour must present valid, governmentally issued, picture identification,
  • All persons participating in a public jail tour are subject to search and a background record check (including a check for wants and warrants),
  • All property of persons participating in a public jail tour is subject to being searched,
  • All members of the public and non-Departmental persons (such as, prospective chaplains, volunteers, vendors, other law enforcement agency employees, other government entity employees, etc.) shall complete and sign a Tour Agreement and Civil Claims Release form (SH-J-444),
  • All public tours shall be led by a Department member, in uniform or appropriate business attire, as authorized by the unit commander,
  • No audio and/or video recording, or photographs are permitted during the tour without the express permission of the watch commander,
  • No cellular telephones or other wireless communication devices shall be permitted within security under any circumstances.  Anyone bringing a wireless communication device into a secure jail environment is in violation of California Penal Code section 4575(a), a misdemeanor.
  • All provisions of California Penal Code sections 4570, "Communications with Prisoners," 4570.5, "False Identification to Secure Admission to Prisons and Jails," 4571, "Ex-convict Coming Upon Prison," 4573, "Controlled Substances, Bringing into Prison or Jail," and 4573.5, "Alcoholic Beverages, Bringing into Prison or Jail," shall apply to public jail tours,
  • Reasonable accommodation will be made for handicapped or disabled persons provided the accommodation does not affect the security, safety, and operation of the jail facility.

Custody Automated Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) Documentation

All requests for public jail tours shall be documented in the CARTS module titled, “Facility Tour” by the facility hosting the tour.

Tour Agreement and Civil Claims Waiver Form

In accordance with the above general rules, all persons participating in a public tour of a jail facility shall complete and sign a Tour Agreement and Civil Claims Release form (SH-J-444) before being allowed to participate in the tour.  A parent or legal guardian shall sign for persons under eighteen years of age.

Unit Commander Responsibilities

Custody facility unit commanders shall develop a unit order outlining their facilities’ guidelines for public tours. The unit order should address:

  • The availability of tours at least two times per week,
  • The times and duration of tours,
  • The number of persons allowed on a tour,
  • Personnel authorized to approve public tours,
  • Personnel authorized to conduct public tours,
  • The entry of the tour into CARTS,
  • Any other pertinent information as determined by the unit commander.

Disparity of Tour Requests at the Pitchess Detention Center

Any Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) facility receiving a disparate number of tour requests over other facilities may refer the requestor(s) to the PDC area commander's office for an equitable distribution and scheduling of tours.

Manual of Policy and Procedures Reference

Section 3-09/180.00, "Tours of Department Facilities"