4-02/050.00 - Multiple Crimes

When there are multiple crimes in a single report, the coding shall be as follows:

Multiple Part I Crimes - the lowest number crime code shall be used as the element of the URN.

Example:       011 Murder; 033 Robbery, Weapon, Service Station; 091 Grand Theft Vehicle, Automobile, are the crimes involved for a single report.

These are all Part I crimes.  011 Murder, being the lowest number code, shall be used as the report code.  033 and 091 are entered in the Classification 2 and 3 fields, in ascending order.  033 is entered in the Classification 2 field and 091 is entered in the Classification 3 field;

Multiple, Combination Part I and Part II Crimes - code the report for the lowest number Part I crime code.  Additional Part I crime codes shall be entered in the Classification 1 or 2 fields; then enter Part II crime codes.

Example:       062 Burglary, Residence, Night, Entry no Force; 091 Grand Theft Vehicle, Automobile; 150 Carrying Loaded Firearm; and 263 Vandalism, Felony, are the crimes involved for a single report.  062 and 091 are Part I crimes; 150 and 263 are Part II crimes.  062, being the lowest number Part I crime code, will be the element of the URN; 091 is entered in Classification 1 field and 150 is entered in the Classification 2 field.

Part I crimes take precedence for coding over Part II crimes.  This may raise questions relative to coding.  The following example will clarify this point:

  • 263 Vandalism, Felony, and 383 Theft, Petty, Shoplifting, are the crimes involved for a single report.  263 is a Part II crime, and 383 is a Part I crime.  383 should be used with the URN, and 263 is entered in the Classification 2 field;

Multiple Part II Crimes - Part II offenses may involve both Part II UCR offenses, such as Assault, Non-Aggravated, and Part II non-UCR offenses.  Select the statistical element by identifying the Part II UCR offense with the lowest statistical code.

If no UCR offense occurred, select the Part II offense as follows: when one charge is a felony and the other is a misdemeanor, the felony always takes precedence over the misdemeanor.  If all the Part II crimes are just felonies or just misdemeanors, then use the lowest code number as the element of the URN.

Where two or more charges are placed on a suspect and one of the charges involves a crime being reported and the other charge is suspicion only, do not code for the suspicion only crime.