4-02/060.00 - Priorities for Statistical Purposes

The crime or incident being reported shall have a priority number.  For statistical purposes, priorities for the crime classification reported are shown under the column beginning with "Form Number" in the alphabetical portion of this volume.

All Part I crimes or incidents and all Part II crimes or incidents must be reported by priority.  Part I crimes, listed below, regardless of the priority number, have coding precedence over any Part II crimes.

The highest priority, 01, has first priority; 38 has the lowest priority of a Part I crime.

Part I crimes consist of:

01 Criminal Homicide

02 Rape, Forcible

03 Robbery, Weapon

04 Robbery, Strongarm

05 Assault, Felonies

06 Burglary, Residence

07 Burglary, Other Structure

08 Grand Theft

09 Grand Theft Vehicle

27 Arson

34 Vehicle Burglary

35 Locker Burglary

36 Boat Burglary

37 Aircraft Burglary

38 Theft, Petty

All other crimes are Part II crimes and are rated at a lower priority than any Part I crime.  Part II crimes are rated as follows:  when one charge is a felony and the other is a misdemeanor, the felony always takes precedence over the misdemeanor.  If all the Part II crimes are just felonies or just misdemeanors, then use the lowest code number as the element of the URN.

Refer to section 4-02/050.00 for correct coding in multiple crimes.