4-02/070.00 - Statistical Codes

The last three digits of the uniform report numbers are the statistical code numbers of the crime or incident being reported and are most critical.  These codes are designed to be utilized for obtaining statistics of crimes and incidents from LARCIS, and from the Regional Allocation of Police Services (RAPS) system.  They are also used to assign the retention element to the incident’s URN, as outlined in MPP Section 4-02/010.05 - Retention Code (Time Element).

Statistical codes are three-digit numbers and should not be confused with the two-digit priority numbers.

For statistical purposes and proper coding, the following key points must be observed:

  • Burglary - to differentiate between day and night burglaries, consider daytime 0600 to 1759 hours and nighttime 1800 to 0559 hours;
  • Burglary, Garage - if the garage is attached to the home with an access into the house, code as Residential Burglary.  If the garage is detached or if it is attached and there is no access into the house, code as Burglary, Other Structure;
  • Burglary, Other - for statistical reporting purposes, burglaries or attempted  burglaries of aircraft, boats, vehicles and burglary shoplifting are considered thefts only, - Dollar Loss or Damaged Amounts - dollar loss amounts shall always be rounded off to the nearest whole dollar amount;
  • Recoveries and Clearances - when taking a recovery, clearance or supplemental report for another Sheriff's Patrol Station/Unit, use the other Patrol Station's/Unit’s complete original URN for the file number;
  • Weapons - in crimes involving weapons, "X" all classes of weapons used in the commission of the offense in the appropriate boxes provided on the Crime Analysis Supplemental Form;
  • For courtesy reports, use RD - 99 on the report; use a non-contract city RD designation on the Deputy’s Daily Worksheet (DDWS; and
  • If the location of occurrence is unknown, use RD - 00.

NOTE:    Instead of pasting in the ENTIRE content of 4-04 through 4-28, this brief notation was placed in this Manual Revision.