4-02/030.00 - Master File Number/Consolidation of Crime Reports

When an investigating officer desires to consolidate a number of related existing URN cases into one master file, he shall submit a Supplemental Report.

This report shall be titled "master file" and contain only the statement "the following case numbers are being consolidated," followed by a listing of the URN.

This master file shall be assigned an URN using a reporting district number XX00 (i.e., 0200 for Stations or for Bureaus).  The Unit consolidating the file shall issue the new URN.  The statistical code segment of any master file shall be 999.  The retention code for the master file should be the longest retention code reflected in the reports involved.

When additional stolen and/or recovered property, not reported originally, is submitted for inclusion in the master file, the original URN and crime code shall be included in the supplemental report adjacent to the respective stolen and/or recovered property.

When a master file supplemental is created and more than one case is cleared, identify all URNs on the bottom of the report.