4-02/020.00 - Special Unit Designation Numbers

Units other than Patrol Stations/Units are assigned special Unit designation numbers as outlined below.

All Bureaus and Units generating a report where a Patrol Station/Unit reporting district (RD) location can be used (when occurrence is in a Patrol Station/Unit policing area) shall obtain the sequence number and RD number from the respective Patrol Station/Unit desk and use the RD number in lieu of their Unit designation number.

Crime Analysis Program, Records and Identification Bureau, shall maintain the control and the assignment of all new designation numbers for all offices, Divisions, Bureaus, etc.  This includes special investigative teams, e.g., Cargo CATS, etc. and when created, a Unit designation number shall be obtained for that team from Crime Analysis Program.  Upon termination of the team, the Crime Analysis Program shall be notified in order to remove the Unit designation number from its files.

The issuance of uniform reporting numbers (URN) is automated through LARCIS.  An URN can be obtained through JDIC, LARCIS, or Mobile Digital Communications System (MDCS) terminals in any Sheriff's Department facility.

NOTE:    Refer to the JDIC on-line Reporting District Table for a complete listing of available reporting districts.