3-02/010.27 - Hardship Transfer - Deputy Personnel

Sworn members shall outline the specifics of their hardship situation requiring a transfer in a memorandum addressed to the unit commander.  After review, the unit commander shall make every attempt to resolve the situation at their level.  If unable to do so, a memorandum with recommendations to the concerned commander shall be forwarded for review and solution.  A suitable assignment shall be sought within the division.  If still unresolved, the division chief or division director shall review the situation and make an attempt to assist the employee to resolve the hardship, consistent with the needs of the Department, within division.  Those resolved within the division will be forwarded to Personnel Administration Bureau, when transfers are involved.

Hardship cases requiring movement from the deputy's current division shall meet with the concurrence of the concerned division chief or division director prior to the approval of an assistant sheriff and the Undersheriff.  Personnel Administration Bureau shall be notified of all transfers.