3-02/010.25 - Filing Assignment Preference Requests - Deputy Personnel

Sworn members who graduated from the academy prior to May 6, 1983, and wish to transfer to a new assignment, must submit an original Personnel Transfer Request form to their unit commander.

Requests for transfer shall be limited to three units, regardless of the number of divisions involved.  The order of preference shall be indicated.

Deputies who graduated from the academy on or after May 6, 1983, shall be required to submit a transfer request listing three patrol stations/units in order of preference. The deputy shall complete the Personnel Transfer Request form.  Personnel Administration Bureau, Sworn Staffing Unit shall review the request and update the Transfer Preference List.

The special provisions regarding transfer request procedures of personnel who graduated from the academy on or after May 6, 1983, only applies until the affected deputy becomes patrol trained and certified.

Employees may update preferences by following the procedures established.

When a unit commander receives a Personnel Transfer Request form, they shall add comments and recommendations, sign the form in the space provided, and forward the original to their division chief or division director.

The division chief or division director shall approve or disapprove the request, then date and sign the forms.  Division headquarters shall retain one copy, forward one copy to the requested division(s), and forward the original to Personnel Administration Bureau, Sworn Staffing Unit.

Causes for a denial of transfer request may include:

  • The deputy is currently a subject of an administrative or criminal investigation;

  • Physical limitations prevent the deputy from working an assignment;

  • The deputy is currently on an "Improvement Needed" evaluation program;

  • Significant and recent disciplinary action has been administered; and/or

  • The deputy has less than one year in current assignment.

Employees who wish to withdraw a request shall submit a Deletion of Transfer Request(s) form (SH-AD-32A).  It is imperative that an employee delete requested units if they do not want to run the risk of an automatic assignment to a unit they no longer desire.  Deletions require the same distribution as the Personnel Transfer Request form.