3-02/010.29 - Transfer - Coveted Positions

A Transfer Preference List composed of incumbent personnel currently assigned and/or appointed to the following coveted positions and who have submitted an approved transfer request shall be promulgated twice a year by Personnel Administration-Sworn Staffing in January and July:

425 - Investigator Deputy
525 - Boat Operator Deputy
533 - Station Watch Deputy
536 - Station Traffic Investigator Deputy
543 - Station Court Deputy
544 - Team Leader Deputy

Transfer requests may be submitted to Personnel Administration-Sworn Staffing at any time; however, the Transfer Preference List will only be updated twice a year in January and July.  The Transfer Preference List shall be canvassed each time before a deputy break-up occurs, and/or before an appointment from the above listed coveted positions occurs and the following policy shall apply:

The order of deputies on the Transfer Preference List shall be based upon Department verified superior time in grade in a coveted position, i.e., continuous service time in the same and currently held coveted position.

Upon appointment to any of these coveted positions, a transfer request with up to three assignment preferences may be submitted.

When appointed to a coveted position and for any subsequent voluntary coveted position transfers, a minimum of one year shall be served at the new assignment before the next coveted position appointment and/or transfer request will be considered, with the exception of a Department offered appointment to a Bonus II coveted position or promotion to a higher rank, i.e., sergeant.

Coveted position vacancies not filled by an incumbent transfer shall be filled through the new appointment of a candidate from the Department’s existing centralized rank- ordered coveted position lists.

Exceptions to the provisions of this policy may be granted by the Sheriff or Undersheriff based on Department needs.

NOTE:    This policy does not apply to coveted position, PSN 425, assigned to the Emergency Operations Bureau or Internal Criminal Investigations Bureau.