3-01/060.35 - Employee Copies of Policy and Ethics Chapter

Each time the Policy and Ethics chapter is revised, sufficient copies of the chapter are sent to each Unit.  Unit supervisors are responsible for briefing their employees as to the contents of these revisions.  Each employee shall sign a declaration which acknowledges both his presence at the briefing and his understanding of the Policy and Ethics chapter.

The Unit Commander shall be responsible for maintaining a file of names and signatures until such time as a new listing of acknowledgments is completed.  The Internal Affairs Bureau may at any time contact a Unit to check on an employee's acknowledgment of this chapter.

Each employee shall be familiar with the contents of this chapter.  If there are any questions as to interpretation, the employee should refer his questions to his supervisor who shall see that the employee fully understands the section or subsection in question.

New incoming employees will receive their copy of the chapter from Personnel Administration.