3-01/060.40 - Performance of Duties by Pregnant Employees

Duties of pregnant employees will be performed according to their respective class specifications, i.e., Deputy Sheriff - class 4 (arduous); Law Enforcement Technician - class 4 (arduous); storekeeper - class 3 (moderate); typist clerk - class 2 (light); etc., unless restrictions are presented through medical certification.
Department Notification

A pregnant employee shall notify the Department of such pregnancy when either of the following conditions exist:

  • Due to pregnancy the employee has been given physical or other job restrictions or limitations by her physician which prohibit her from performing any aspect of her job; and/or
  • The employee reaches the eighth month of pregnancy.

Nothing in this section prohibits an employee from notifying the Department of her pregnancy at any time prior to the existence of either of these conditions.

Department notification is made when the Certification of Pregnancy (Form SH-AD-648) is submitted.

Alternative Assignments and Pregnancy Leave

When an employee makes notification that she is pregnant and presents medical certification that she can no longer fulfill her regular duty assignments, Unit Commanders shall make every effort to locate alternative assignments within the specifications of the pregnant employee's job classification which she can perform without undue risk.

These assignments shall be predicated upon the extent of the employee's medical restrictions and safety, and the Department's security, safety and staffing needs.

These assignments may be subject to:

  • Schedule change;
  • Shift change;
  • Change of duties; and/or
  • Transfer from Unit of assignment.

Pursuant to the respective Memorandum of Understanding, sufficient notice shall be given to the employee if another assignment is necessary.

If no assignments are available, the employee may be required to take a maternity leave of absence.

When, in the Unit Commander's judgment, there is a question about the employee's ability to continue in the performance of her duties, whether or not her condition has been medically addressed, the Unit Commander may request a medical evaluation in accordance with Civil Service Rule 9.07.

See Maternity Leave in the Personnel chapter.