3-01/060.33 - Outside Security Employment

Employees may request approval for outside security employment as private security guards or uniformed employees with public entities.  Employees working private entity contracts pursuant to section 3-02/020.23, Procedures for Private Entity Contract Services, do not fall under “outside security employment.” All other current Department policy concerning outside employment remains in effect.  In addition to submitting the outside employment approval forms as listed in section 3-01/060.30, those members seeking employment as private security guards are required to complete and submit a Request for Approval of Outside Security Employment form (SH-AD-671) to their unit commander. The Request for Approval of Outside Security Employment form must contain the signature of the president, owner, or chief officer of the security business/organization/agency employer.   Approval of outside security employment with private security firms, agencies, and/or businesses is subject to the following conditions:

  • All conditions and requirements for outside employment stated in section 3-01/060.25 and 3-01/060.30 shall be adhered to for outside security employment.
  • Members may not engage in outside employment without authorization from their unit commander;
  • Members shall not be permitted to engage in outside security employment in the jurisdiction of their current assignment;

NOTE:    Members whose principal assignment is outside of Patrol Divisions (i.e., Detective Division, Special Operations Division, Countywide Services Division, etc.) are exempt from this condition.

  • Members engaged in outside security employment that requires the use or carry of a firearm will be authorized to only carry a personal firearm and personal ammunition for which they have authorization on file per Manual Policy and Procedures section 3-02/020.05, Employee’s Personal Information form;
  • Members are prohibited from engaging in outside security employment in any location where the retail sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is the principal business (e.g., liquor stores, bars, nightclubs, etc.);
  • Members are prohibited from engaging in outside security employment in a location where a labor dispute or strike is in progress or can be anticipated;
  • Members engaged in outside security employment or enterprise requiring certification, licensing, or permits are responsible for obtaining said certification, licensing or permits.  The prestige or influence of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department may not be used to obtain certification, licenses, permits, or outside employment;
  • Members engaged in outside security employment are prohibited from use of county time, facilities, equipment (including county issued firearms, badge, or uniform), supplies, or identification in the course of their outside security employment;
  • Members shall take all reasonable steps to avoid incidents wherein they would be required to identify themselves as a peace officer in the course of outside private security employment or while carrying out duties as a private security employee.  This in no way relieves the Department member from his responsibilities while off duty as stated in section 3-01/050.30, Off-Duty Incidents.

NOTE:    If a member takes police action during his or her employment as a security officer/guard, all Manual of Policy and Procedures and laws shall be adhered to (i.e., use of force; tactics; reporting; driving; ethics; obedience to laws, regulations, and orders; etc.).  Police action may include calling local authorities and obtaining information to aid in an investigation.

  • Court appearances arising from the outside security employment will not be compensated by the County;
  • Civil and/or criminal liability arising from the member’s outside security  employment shall be borne by the Department member or by the outside employer; and/or
  • Compensation for injury incurred by the Department member in the performance of the duties of the outside employer extends only to the secondary employer and not to the County of Los Angeles.                      

See the Personnel chapter for additional information regarding outside employment.