011 - Alternative to Custody Procedures



To establish procedures regarding the screening and placement of inmates into Alternative to Custody (ATC) facilities.


SCOPE OF ORDER:                                                                                            


This order applies to all Community Transition Unit (CTU) personnel assigned to the Population Management Bureau (PMB).




  • Designated Alternative to Custody (ATC) personnel shall, review sentenced inmate population lists generated by the PMB Analysis Unit for potential program candidates on a bi-weekly basis.


  • The following criteria shall be used to determine eligibility :


    • County sentenced inmate
    • A minimum of 90 to a maximum 180 days prior to release date
    • Review M-7 list
    • No sex or arson offenses
    • No gang activity
    • No pending court commitments
    • No holds
    • Security level 7 and below


  • Once it has been determined an inmate is eligible for a program, a COMPAS assessment shall be completed and the inmate cleared by the Community Based Alternative to Custody (CBAC) unit. CBAC clearance and verification shall consist of:


    • Inmate must be fully sentenced
    • Classification of security level 7 or below
    • Must not have committed any crimes during their current incarceration
    • Not have any charges listed on the most current CBAC “Excluded Charge List” (M7 list)
    • No current restraining orders
    • No current or prior violent crimes convictions (excluding misdemeanor domestic violence charges)
    • No extensive weapons crimes, or crimes committed with firearms


  • ATC staff shall complete an inmate packet, which shall contain the following inmate information:


    • Consolidated Criminal History System (with booking photo)
    • COMPAS Risks / Needs Assessment 
    • Special handling printout
    • IRTS report (if any) printout
    • Inmate arrest history printout with CBAC information
    • AJIS - SI-01 printout


  • Completed packets shall be delivered to a CTU sergeant for review. The CTU sergeant shall stamp, date and initial in the space provided, checking either the “OK” or “NO” box.


  • Completed packets shall then be delivered to a CTU lieutenant for review and/or approval. The lieutenant shall stamp, date and initial in the space provided, checking either the “OK” or “NO” box.  Packets which contain extensive RAP sheets, extensive weapons violations or any other factors which may disqualify the inmate shall be taken into consideration by the CTU lieutenant.


Note: Any packets in which the COMPAS score indicates the inmate’s risk assessment is Medium with Override Concerns (MOC), must be reviewed by the PMB captain.


  • All packets shall be returned to the ATC staff for assignment into an ATC program, an in-custody program, or placement on a status “no action taken.”  The packet shall then be filed at the CTU office.


  • All packets shall be retained for a minimum five years.


  • All inmates who are eligible for placement shall be interviewed by Homeless Health Care of Los Angeles for residential treatment.  Affordable Care Act (ACA) team members shall also screen eligible candidates for eligibility of medical benefits.


  • ATC staff shall complete the final program placement packets and coordinate with CBAC and the Compliance Team for inmate transportation to their determined program location.