012 - Department of Motor Vehicle, California Identification card (CAL ID)



The purpose of this order is to establish procedures to assist inmates who qualify to receive a replacement California Identification Card (CAL ID). 



This order applies to all Community Transition Unit (CTU) personnel assigned to Population Management Bureau (PMB).




The CTU offers inmates the opportunity to receive a replacement at the reduced cost of $9 for inmates who qualify under the following criteria:


  • Inmates must have been issued a California ID and/or Driver License with an updated photograph, within the last ten years
  • Inmates must complete a Department of Motor Vehicles application, which shall be forwarded to the CTU DMV custody assistant for processing.


           NOTE: The process may take up to ninety (90) days to receive a California Identification Card/ or California Driver’s License.



The following procedures shall be taken to complete the DMV Identification Card process:


1. For each applicant who requests to obtain a CAL ID card, provide the        following:


  • Application for CAL ID (DL 44 REV, 01/2019 paper version only) with captured thumbprint on page 1 and signed by the applicant.
  • Applicant’s digital photo
  • Reduced Fee Verification letter (if applicable).

2. Prepare the request:


Complete an electronic (typed, not printed) Request Transmittal (FO 1008a) as follows:


  • Agency name and address
  • Representative name
  • Representative e-mail address
  • Representative phone
  • True full name (Last, First & Middle)
  • Los Angeles County booking number
  • Release date
  • Birth date
  • Social security number (SSN)
  • Driver’s license (DL) or ID number (if available)
  • ID reduced fee eligibility (Yes)
  • Senior fee (Yes or No)
  • Tracking number (Format: two digit DMV identifier code for Los Angeles County, six-digit date and the transmittal number separated by dashes,.e.g. 19-052118-1)

NOTE: The six-digit date will reflect Monday’s date for the whole week.


3. Submit the request to the identified DMV field office for preliminary review:


  • Open a new encrypted e-mail and attach:
  • Electronic Request Transmittal (FO 1008a) completed in step 2.
  • Digital photo of the applicant.
  • Name the photo files using the applicant’s county booking number – photo       (e.g. 3281960 – photo). 
  • Enter the Request Transmittal’s Tracking Number in the subject line.
  • Place any comments or special instructions in the e-mail body.
  • Send to provided e-mail address.

NOTE: The Department may submit up to twenty (20) ID card requests per county facility per week per transmittal.


Each Request Transmittal (FO 1008a) and corresponding documents must be submitted via separate e-mail (for example: if submitting five (5) Request Transmittals then submit five (5) separate e-mails with the corresponding attachments).


4. Upon receipt of response from DMV, the DMV custody assistant shall print the Response Transmittals (FO 1008b) and prepare a packet to be received by the DMV field office containing the following documents:


  • DL 44 for each eligible applicant.
  • The original CAL ID County Inmate ID Reduced Fee Verification letter if applicable (not required for inmates that are qualified for a senior ID).

      The letter must:


  • Be on Department approved letterhead.
  • Be typed or computer generated.
  • Contain the inmate’s name and date of birth.
  • Contain the original signature of the DMV custody assistant
  • Be dated within ninety (90) days of the date of application.
  • Meet the requirements as described in California Vehicle Code, Section 3007.08(b)(g).


NOTE: A template of the required CAL ID County Inmate ID Reduced Fee Verification letter will be provided.


  • Payment Check (1 per transmittal) payable to DMV. The check must reflect the total amount of fees identified on the Response Transmittal (FO 1008b).

NOTE: If the check is not included with the packet and DMV does not receive the check within sixty (60) calendar days from receipt of pre-screening, the package, e-mails, and attachments sent by the DMV custody assistant will be purged and they must send or submit a new Request Transmittal (FO 1008a).

The DMV custody assistant shall sign the “Certification for Issuance of Payment to California DMV” section on the bottom of the Response Transmittal (FO 1008b). The DMV custody assistant shall then, deliver the printed completed FO 1008b’s, DL 44s, CAL-ID County Inmate ID Reduced Fee Verification letters, and the payment to the DMV field office by an approved delivery method.

NOTE: If the DMV field office does not receive a “packet” within sixty (60) calendar days from receipt of pre-screening, all e-mails and attachments related to the “packet” sent by the DMV custody assistant will be purged and must be the sent or resubmit as a new Request Transmittal (FO 1008a).

5. When DMV receives the packet:


The DMV field office will process the transactions identified on the Response Transmittal (FO 1008b).


NOTE: During the ID card process, if any discrepancy is found concerning the          forms and documents, the DMV custody assistant has five (5) business days to correct the discrepancy and provide the DMV field office with the correction. If the discrepancy is not corrected within five (5) business days, the DMV field office will purge the package, and all e-mails and attachments related to the package. Arrangements may be made with the field office within the five (5) day time limit to request an application be removed from the transmittal for an unresolved discrepancy to avoid the entire transmittal being purged.


Once all eligible applications have been processed, DMV will send a copy of the final Response Transmittal (FO 1008b) to the DMV custody assistant and e-mail a copy of the Request Transmittal (FO 1008a) to DMV headquarters.


The DMV headquarters unit will mail ID cards to the DMV custody assistant along with a copy of the Request Transmittal (FO 1008a).


6. Receipt of the applicants ID cards:


DMV headquarters will mail the ID cards to the DMV custody assistant along with a copy of the Request Transmittal (FO 1008a).


  • The DMV custody assistant shall identify each ID card against the Request Transmittal (FO 1008a) and write the date in the column identified as “ID Received at County Date.”
  • E-mail the DMV contact if an ID card is not received.
  • Complete the “Certification for Receipt of Identification Cards from California Department Of Motor Vehicles” section on the bottom of the Request Transmittal (FO 1008a).
  • Scan the certified Request Transmittal (FO 1008a).
  • Use the Request Transmittal (FO 1008a) Tracking Number as a file name for the scanned image.
  • Open a new encrypted e-mail and attach the scanned image to the e-mail.
  • Enter the Request Transmittal (FO 1008a) Tracking Number in the subject line of the e-mail.
  • Send to DMV Headquarters unit using the provided e-mail address at:

FOCal-ID@DMV.CA.GOV and CC the field office contacts and keep the original   for CTU records.


Once the application form and fee have been processed.


The DMV custody assistant shall disseminates ID cards to inmates accordingly:


  • The ID card shall be placed in the applicant’s property and provided to the applicant upon release from custody.
  • The ID card shall be mailed to the address provided on the DMV application if the applicant has been released. Prior to receiving the ID card.

NOTE: No refunds will be made.