The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the regarding High Observation Housing (HOH) Unrestrained Out of Cell Time program at Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at TTCF.
The HOH Unrestrained Out of Cell program will reduce the use of security restraints for HOH inmates. Inmates in this program shall meet or exceed Department of Justice Substantive Provision #80 requirements; however, due to varying factors, their privileges and programming may be limited due to their mental health acuity.
Custody personnel shall adhere to the following HOH Unrestrained out of Cell Time program procedures:
HOH Inmate Classifications and Definitions
• HOH inmates participating in this program are identified as a “P-3” level of care by mental health staff;
• HOH inmates identified as “able to cohabitate” are those “P-3” inmates whose consistent demeanor is safe around other inmates;
• HOH inmates have the same varying security levels and classifications as General Population (GP) inmates. Unless otherwise noted, as in a GP setting, all classifications shall be separated during HOH unrestrained out of cell time;
• “Inmate Property Door Signs,” which can be retrieved from the Mental Health Tools web application in the Custody Information Portal, are posted on every HOH inmate’s cell door. The “Inmate Property Door Sign” will indicate their “P” level of care and allowable property;
• “iMATCH” is an electronic system utilized to identify “able to cohabitate” inmates who are housed within a specified module. The “iMATCH” system gathers information from the Automated Justice Information System (AJIS) and Mental Health Tools.
HOH Unrestrained Out of Cell Time Eligible Inmates
Custody staff will identify groups of eligible inmates within each HOH module, and provide a minimum of two (2) hours of weekly unrestrained out of cell time, per group. Only HOH inmates, classified as “P-3,” and deemed able to cohabitate shall be eligible, and will be grouped based on clothing restrictions, security levels, and classifications.
HOH Unrestrained Out of Cell Time Selection of Groups
• Groups shall be separated into security levels 1-7 or 8-9;
• Groups shall be separated by classification;
• Groups shall be separated by clothing restrictions:
o Clothed inmates groups;
o Gowned inmate groups.
• No more than eight (8) inmates at a time shall participate in HOH unrestrained out of cell time;
• All inmates in the module shall be reviewed for eligibility by the assigned Small Management Yard (SMY) staff;
o At the beginning of the shift, the SMY staff shall utilize the module tank sheet to account for those eligible for unrestrained out of cell time;
o The module “iMATCH” system will be referenced to exclude those inmates from the tank sheet who are not able to cohabitate. This procedure will also be utilized to exclude inmates with the following level of care codes: “P-0,” “P-1,” and “P-2”;
• Once the SMY staff identifies the groups to participate in unrestrained out of cell time, they shall review the results with the other module staff;
• Any concerns custody personnel have with inmates who they identify as able to participate shall be discussed with mental health staff;
• Both custody personnel and mental health staff shall develop a plan to address inmates who may not be qualified for unrestrained time, but are marked able to cohabitate.
HOH Unrestrained Out of Cell Time Location
• Clothed inmates participating in unrestrained out of cell time may be placed in an identified pod dayroom or in the outdoor recreation yard;
• Gowned inmates shall only be placed in the outdoor recreation yard. The yard shall be checked at time intervals consistent with Custody Division Manuel secton 4-11/030.00, “Inmate Safety Checks,” for any safety or security concerns. All doors within the outdoor recreation yard shall be checked and secured in accordance with TTCF UO 3-08-050, “Security, Perimeter, and Fire Prevention;”
• All cell doors and tray slots shall be secured;
• During unrestrained out of cell time, inmates housed in cells within the utilized pod shall be secured in their cells, unless emergent circumstances exist;
• The chosen location shall not conflict with group therapy, pill call, or meals.
Conducting HOH Unrestrained Out of Cell Time
• Module SMY staff shall offer unrestrained out of cell time to the inmates identified.
• The SMY staff shall be responsible for providing security during HOH unrestrained out of cell time and adhere to the following procedures:
o During this time, no inmates shall be placed in the Small Management Yard (SMY);
o SMY staff shall maintain visual contact of inmates participating in unrestrained out of cell time;
• Immediate presentation of the inmate will be considered and SMY staff shall ensure the inmate does not present:
o A potential threat of physical harm;
o A threat to physical property;
o An effort to escape;
• SMY staff shall escort the identified inmates to the designated location;
• Inmates may be escorted without handcuffs to participate in unrestrained out of cell time;
• A pat down search of each inmate shall be conducted prior to placing the inmate in the group, in accordance with (CDM) section 5-08/010.00, “Searches.”
Recording HOH Unrestrained Out of Cell Time
• SMY staff shall record unrestrained out of cell time in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL) via the iPod:
o The time shall be recorded by utilizing the “unrestrained” selection;
o The time shall start when the inmate is placed in the identified area and end when the inmate is placed in security restraints or moved from the location;
• In addition to recording the out of cell time in the e-UDAL, the date, time, and location shall be recorded on the tank sheet utilized to identify the group members. The tank sheet shall be filed in each module’s unrestrained out of cell time folder, and will be made available for review;
• Unrestrained single inmates placed in the dayroom or outdoor recreation yard shall also be recorded in the e-UDAL, utilizing the “unrestrained” selection.
For further information regarding the use of the e-UDAL, custody personnel shall refer to the “Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Title 15 e-UDAL Manual” and CDM, section 4-11/025.00, “Electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log.”
Revised 04/17/19