5-23-010 Inmate Exercise and Recreation


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for safe, secure, and orderly inmate exercise and recreation activities within the Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF). 


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at TTCF. 


Each inmate shall be afforded an opportunity to participate in at least three (3) hours of exercise and recreation activities, within a seven (7) day period, as stated in the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 15.  This time period, for which the minimum recreation period is calculated, shall begin on Sunday and end on Saturday.  

The exercise and recreation activities shall occur in areas specifically designated for exercise and recreation.  All exercise and recreation times shall be documented in the housing location’s electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL).  

Scheduled recreation times that were missed due to lockdown or other emergent situations, shall be made up as soon as it is feasible and logged in the housing location’s e-UDAL.  Custody personnel shall adhere to the following inmate exercise and recreation procedures:

Inmates placed on discipline are not permitted to partake in exercise and recreation activities, due to their disciplinary status.  Administratively segregated inmates shall be afforded the opportunity to participate in outdoor exercise and recreation.  Any administratively segregated inmate not housed on a floor with access to an outdoor recreation yard shall be escorted to a floor where outdoor recreation is available. 
Towers I and II Modules

Prior to the use of any recreation areas, visiting areas, or any inmate areas where inmate movement is set to occur, custody personnel shall check any and all doors, which could be used to gain access to a non-secure area, or a secure area, not intended for inmate use.

Tower I, and Tower II modules, have secure areas for inmate exercise and recreation.  These areas include the pod dayroom area of the module and the outdoor recreation area adjacent to the module's staging area.  

Only one pod of each module, shall be allowed to use the outdoor recreation area at one time.  When inmates are in the outdoor recreation area, the outdoor recreation door shall remain secured.

High Observation Mental Health Housing

Deputies shall use discretion prior to removing the inmate from a cell.  If the inmate is considered unsuitable for group activities due to his/her behavior and/or negative interaction with custody staff, the mental health clinician and floor supervisors shall be notified of the exclusion from the program.  The exclusion and reason shall be documented on the incident details in the e-UDAL  For additional information on providing eligible HOH inmates with unrestrained out of cell time, refer to Unit Order #5-23-011, “HOH Unrestrained Out of Cell Time.”

Correctional Treatment Center (CTC) Indoor/Outdoor

Inmates housed in CTC are treated for acute or sub acute medical and mental health problems by Correctional Health Services (CHS) or mental health staff.  Exercise and recreation activities shall be permitted only when authorized by the CHS.  The inmate(s) shall be escorted to the dayroom or outdoor recreation area on the fourth floor of CTC.  Custody personnel shall supervise the inmates from security station #M4109, located next to the outdoor recreational area.  After the inmates have received their scheduled recreation time, custody personnel shall escort the inmates to their respective housing area.  Escort personnel shall notify the module officer of the inmates’ return.   

Module Duties

Custody personnel shall be responsible for ensuring inmates in their respective housing locations receive the required amount of recreation time.  The module officer shall document the amount of exercise/recreation time for each pod in the "Outdoor Recreation" section of the module's e-UDAL.  If a pod declines outdoor recreation time, this shall also be documented in the e-UDAL.

Regardless of shift assignment or regularly scheduled work assignment, all personnel assigned to any module, at any time, are ultimately responsible for ensuring the minimum CCR Title 15 requirements are met. 

Recreational Equipment Inspection                

All recreational equipment shall be inspected by custody personnel. If recreational equipment has been damaged or is worn out, it shall be the module officer’s responsibility to notify the TTCF Inmate Programs office, and request repair or replacement of the equipment.  This information shall also be noted in the module’s 

Floor Sergeant’s Responsibility

It is incumbent upon the floor sergeants to ensure all modules under their supervision meet the minimum requirements for outdoor recreation time. This shall be accomplished by checking each module’s e-UDAL to ensure inmates are being given the opportunity to participate in outdoor recreation.  
