Historically speaking, it has been proven that proper intake, evaluation and classification of the jail population lends itself to a safer environment for inmates and staff alike. It serves to protect and segregate those incarcerated, as well as giving staff the ability to instantly assess an inmate’s need for “Special Handling.”
In the L.A. county jail system, the status “Special Handling” is reserved for those inmates categorized as “Escape Risk,” “Dangerous,” “Mentally Disordered,” “Keep Away,” (from other designated inmates) “High Bail,” “A” Status, and/or “Medical Conditions.” Special Handling inmates are identified by the color and classification symbol noted on their wristband. The following procedures shall ensure special handle inmates are properly classified and housed.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Special Handling Requests
There may be an occasion when a deputy is requested to make an inmate a Special Handle. This could come from an attorney, the District Attorney’s office, the inmate himself, or some other person. In these cases, a Special Handling Form (SH-J-181) shall be completed and, if male, sent to the Watch Commander for approval and signature. (See below for female inmates) Upon approval, the form shall be sent to the IRC Classification Unit for possible reclassification. During this process the inmate shall be isolated from other inmates until IRC has had a chance to review the request and a disposition is reached.
Persons requesting inmates to be placed on Status K-10 *H*, *Z*, *E*, *V*, K-9, or K-1, must realize that these inmates must be escorted at all times; and also, depending on their “Keep Away” classification, require segregation during transportation and at the court lockup.
Blue Bands
An *A* status indicates an inmate who shall be transported/escorted wearing the high security hand-cuff cover system. Prior to the application of the hand-cuff cover, personnel shall ensure the inmate has an *A* status classification.
Special Handling Request Forms
The special handling request shall include the name and telephone number of the officer(s) making the original request. The reason for the special handling request must be adequately explained and justified in writing. In the event that this information is not provided, the inmate shall be temporarily classified as a K-10.
If the special handling request is for a female inmate, the request shall be referred to the TTCF Prisoner Personnel Office (PPO). The PPO Deputy shall contact the requesting officer/agency and based upon the information received, make a recommendation as to the special handling status (i.e., no special handling, K-10, K-9, etc.). The TTCF Watch Commander shall review and sign the Special Handling Card. The PPO Deputy shall forward the Special Handling Card to IRC Classification for final review and reclassification.
NOTE: All special handling requests initiated from TTCF shall first be approved by the TTCF Watch Commander.
Any de-classification of an active special handling card shall be referred to the IRC Classification Unit (for males) or TTCF Prisoner Personnel Office (for females).
Any de-class of a suspected prison gang member shall be referred to the MCJ Liaison Unit. A reasonable effort shall be made to contact the original officer requesting the special handling prior to de-classifying an inmate, when such de-class would directly affect the security intended by the requesting individual. The special handling de-classification request and the investigating unit’s recommendation shall be forwarded to the handling unit’s Watch Commander for final approval.
Processing Special Handling Requests: IRC
· Original special handling requests for female inmates shall be kept in the TTCF PPO file.
· Two copies of the special handling request shall be attached to the JRC and sent with the inmate to his housing location.
Special Handling Purge and Review Functions
The TTCF PPO Deputy shall update/purge all special handling cards for female inmates for the following reasons:
· The inmate’s Keep Away(s) have been released from custody (K-2 through K-5 only).
· The originator of the special handling request or higher ranking member wants the inmate declassified or reclassified.
The IRC Classification Bonus Deputy and the TTCF PPO Deputy shall review all new and purged special handling cards for completeness and validity. They shall make required modifications in newly assigned special handling codes and shall also initiate special handling requests based on information obtained from their own investigations and interviews with inmates. The TTCF PPO Deputy shall also ensure all female special handle cards are updated in the computer.
Procedures for Suicidal or Mental Observation Special Handling Inmates
Deputy personnel who identify an inmate exhibiting unusual behavior which could result in injury to himself, to other prisoners, or staff, shall report this behavior as outlined in CDM 4-05/000.00, Psychiatric Referral Form, and CDM 5-01/050.00 Handling Of Suicidal Inmates.
Whenever a Mental Health professional determines that an inmate who has a special handling classification such as protective custody or keep away status (red wristband) is in need of mental health care, the inmate’s health and safety shall be of paramount concern.
The Medical Liaison Sergeant, TTCF PPO Deputy, and Mental Health staff shall consult and determine the best suitable housing location for the special handling classification inmate who is in need of mental health care. Careful consideration shall be given to the security of the facility, the safety of staff and the inmate involved and continuity of mental health care for the inmate.
When special handling inmates (red wristband) are classified and housed, the following security procedures shall be followed:
· The inmate shall always be escorted by custodial personnel,
· The inmates shall not participate in any group activities,
· During Mental Health interviews outside the cell, the inmate shall be handcuffed and observed by custodial personnel at all times.
· Module personnel shall ensure Mental Health staff are made aware of the security procedure surrounding special handling inmates prior to inmate contact.
Inmates who are deemed mentally unstable and are housed in protective custody or who are on Keep Away status shall fall under the same security procedures used in the Behavioral Observation Modules.
Department of Mental Health (DMH) personnel shall evaluate the inmate before the inmate is housed to determine the appropriate level of housing (FIP, Suicidal or FOP) for DMH Intervention.
NOTE: In the event of an after hours conflict regarding the proper housing location of Behavioral Observation/Special Handling Inmates, the Watch Commander shall make the final determination as to where the inmate shall be housed.
Procedures for Inmates with Medical Conditions
Certain inmates have medical problems requiring varying methods of treatment. Medical staff shall identify inmates having acute and/or chronic medical conditions that require medical treatment throughout their incarceration. Medical staff shall assign a colored wristband to these inmates.
This wristband shall be placed on the left arm and will be additional to the identification wristband required in the Custody Division Manual, section 3-09/000.00, Inmate Identification.
Personnel at any facility assigned to the intake and subsequent booking of all inmates shall visually examine each inmate for medical wristbands.
· An orange wristband identifies an inmate with an acute medical condition. An inmate with an acute medical condition shall remain housed within the Men’s Central Jail and TTCF. If an inmate arrives at any other facility, excluding the Inmate Reception Center, personnel observing a colored wristband are responsible for immediately notifying their facility watch sergeant. The watch sergeant shall ensure that medical staff is immediately contacted, and that, if necessary, the inmate is transported to the Inmate Reception Center without delay.
· A teal wristband identifies an inmate with a chronic medical condition. Such an inmate can be housed in general population; however, if an inmate wearing a teal wristband is transferred to a new housing facility, the inmate shall be screened by medical personnel.
If an inmate deliberately removes a medical wristband, an Inmate Incident Report (SH-J-213) shall be written detailing the violation. If a colored wristband is removed, line personnel shall confirm with medical staff that the inmate requires such a wristband. If so, then medical staff shall replace the wristband.