Outside Work Crews (OSWC=s) are assigned to work outside security at various locations within the county to assist in compliance with Title 15 regarding maintaining an acceptable level of cleanliness, repair and safety within county facilities. The following guidelines have been established to assist OSWC supervisors in maintaining control of the inmates.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Twin Towers Correctional Facility has an area designated for male OSWC=s Module 272, Pods A and B Male inmates assigned to the OSWC=s shall be screened for wants and warrants. In addition, their criminal history shall be screened for any disqualifying criteria. The Prisoner Personnel Office (PPO) staff shall be responsible for maintaining and managing the OSWC program.
The following procedures outline the process by which the OSWC=s are checked out to authorized OSWC supervisors and are checked back into Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Checking Out Crews
OSWC supervisors shall enter the Twin Towers Correctional Facility via the west entrance gate located on Vignes St. They shall park their vehicles in the TST compound and proceed to the IRC entry slider. If the OSWC supervisor needs a facility pass, he shall retain one at the IRC entry slider.
Next, he shall go through I RC to the Tower II Transfer Center where he shall identify himself to the Transfer Center Officer and inform him that he will be picking up the OSWC. The Transfer Center Officer shall notify Module 272 and advise them to prepare the OSWC for the crew supervisor in route.
Module 272 personnel shall pull the pre-printed work list for the OSWC prepared by the PPO staff. The Module Officer shall call out only those names that are on the work list. No additions shall be made unless pre-authorized by the PPO staff.
When the OSWC supervisor arrives at Module 272 he shall remain in the staging area until the OSWC is brought out to him. Once the inmate workers are in the staging area, both the module personnel and the crew supervisor will verify inmates on the crew check out list against the inmates’ wristband. Next, a sack lunch will be provided for each inmate worker. Both parties shall sign the check out form confirming the transaction. The Module Officer shall retain the top original sheet and the crew supervisor shall take the remaining forms.
The OSWC and crew supervisor shall proceed down the elevator to the Transfer Center where they shall give one of the two remaining work lists to the Transfer Center. (The OSWC supervisor shall keep the last copy). Transfer Center personnel shall check and confirm that the inmates on the work list correspond with the inmate workers going out. When the check is complete, the OSWC supervisor and the OSWC shall go through IRC and out to the TST compound where they will exit the facility, via vehicle.
Checking in Crews
Authorized OSWC supervisors returning OSWC=s shall enter Twin Towers Correctional Facility via the West Gate entrance located on Vignes St. They shall park their vehicle in the TST compound and proceed to the IRC Entry Slider. If the OSWC supervisor needs a facility pass, he shall retain one at the IRC entry slider.
Next, he shall go through IRC with the OSWC walking in a single file line to the Tower II Transfer Center. The OSWC supervisor shall identify himself to Transfer Center personnel and inform them he is returning the OSWC. Transfer Center personnel shall retrieve the signed check out list corresponding with the returning crew and confirm the inmates returning with the list. At this time, the OSWC supervisor shall relinquish responsibility for the inmate workers to Transfer Center personnel. The inmate workers shall be held in the Transfer Center until they can be searched by available female custodial personnel. Once the OSWC has been searched, they shall be escorted back to Module 272 where they shall be checked in using the work list by Module personnel.
The Module 272 Officer shall place the completed OSWC work list in the yellow folder provided by the PPO for archiving.