To establish procedures for moving inmates from Twin Towers Correctional Facility to Inmate Reception Center for court.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Monday through Friday, with the exception of holidays, court passes are generated by IRC and sent to each module at TTCF.
When a module officer receives the court list, he shall verify the inmate’s location as listed on the court pass with the JRCs. If an inmate is listed on a module's court list, but is not assigned to the module, the module officer shall make every attempt to locate the inmate and notify the module officer at the inmate's housing location of the request for court appearance. If there is a discrepancy, he shall notify the floor bonus deputy and the IRC Courtline deputy. All inmates going to court shall be placed on the Temporary Movement Log to show that they are in court.
EM Tower I Transfer Center personnel shall make a copy of the court list and deliver it to Medical Services staff in order to allow them to prepare medications for courtline pill call.
The module officer shall wake up the inmates on the court list at 0430 hours, and, after they are dressed, release them into the dayroom where they will be given breakfast. Exceptions to this procedure are:
· Disciplinary Isolation Modules, Administrative Segregation, Pre-Discipline, and CTC inmates shall be fed in their cells,
· Inmates from the 7th floor shall be awakened, fed, dressed in their cells, and then shall be waist chained prior to being escorted to IRC.
Module personnel shall distribute the court passes to the inmates. Any inmate requiring “pill call” shall be given his medication in his housing module by the nurse prior to being escorted to IRC. When all inmates have received their medication, module personnel shall escort the inmates to IRC. Should movement require the use of inmate elevators, all inmates shall be directed to face the rear of the elevator during the movement. Refer to TTCF Unit Order 5-03-010, Inmate Movement and Escorting Procedures.
On Day shift the following classification of inmates assigned to court shall be escorted to the respective Transfer Center holding tanks:
· Late court,
· SVP,
· K-11,
· Civil Commitment (e.g.,non-compliant with child support orders),
· Contempt of court.
Transfer Center deputies shall then escort the courts to IRC. Inmates housed within CTC shall be escorted to Courtline by CTC custodial personnel. If additional personnel are needed, any available deputies shall be utilized.
"Miss-outs" from the morning court list shall be identified by the IRC Courtline deputy. He will contact the individual modules regarding the miss-out(s). The module officer shall ascertain if the inmate(s) is still in the module. If the inmate is located, he shall be escorted by a module deputy to the Courtline desk. If an inmate is not in the module, the module officer shall contact the appropriate Transfer Center custody assistant and request he locate the inmate. The module officer shall notify the IRC Courtline deputy that the Transfer Center custody assistant has been tasked with locating the inmate.
If an inmate refuses to go to court, module personnel shall notify their floor bonus deputy and sergeant. Module personnel shall videotape the bonus deputy and sergeant as they talk to the inmate in an attempt to get the inmate to go to court. The videotape shall be properly labeled with the date, the inmate’s name, and the inmate’s booking number.
Every attempt shall be made to explain the importance of going to court. If the inmate still refuses, the watch commander shall be notified. An evaluation of the situation shall be made based on all factors, e.g., inmate’s health, mental well being, etc. Once the watch commander has received the inmate’s refusal on tape, he shall ensure the respective court’s judge is notified of the inmate’s refusal and all relevant information, including but not limited to the supervisor’s assessment of the inmate’s physical and mental condition, and that reasonable force may be required to deliver the inmate to court. Once the watch commander no longer requires the tape, it shall be forwarded to TTCF Administration (Rm. E892) for storage.
If the judge insists the inmate be brought to court, the Unit Commander shall be notified. With the Unit Commander’s permission, a cell extraction may take place. If the Unit Commander is unable to be contacted, notification attempts shall be listed on the Watch Commander Extraction Checklist. The watch commander may then direct the extraction to proceed. Refer to CDM 5-05/080.00, Cell Extractions, CDM 5-05/090.00, Escorting Procedures for Combative or Uncooperative Inmates and TTCF Unit Order #3-02-300, Contact with Insubordinate Inmates.
An Inmate Discipline Report (SH-J-213) for insubordination or refusal to obey a direct order shall be written in all cases of inmates refusing to leave their cells. The conversation between the Custody supervisor and the court shall be documented in the Discipline Report including, the time of the conversation, the Custody supervisor's name and employee number, the judge's name, the name and division number of the court having jurisdiction, the court's phone number, and the judge's decision.