The purpose of this order is to set forth policies and procedures of Twin Towers Correctional Facility personnel and patrol units in handling both Phencyclidine and violently insane bookings into Twin Towers Correctional Facility. Arrangements have been made with Custody Division for direct bookings into Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
These procedures will apply regardless of the other charges for which the suspect is to be booked.
In most cases the following circumstances should exist for direct booking into Twin Towers Correctional Facility:
· The suspect’s actions consist of outbursts or a constant level of wild, frenzied, unruly or violent behavior,
· The suspect represents a continuing danger to himself and or others,
· There is little or no possibility of booking and controlling the suspect at the station or housing the inmate at another custody facility,
· Elevated blood pressure and respiration,
· The suspect has no serious injuries (injured suspects will continue to be booked at LCMC),
· The inmate has been seen and evaluated by a Medical Services doctor.
CTC Control shall immediately contact the following persons and notify them of the impending and arrival of a PCP or violent mentally ill suspect:
· Watch commander,
· CTC sergeant or watch sergeant,
· Tower II Clinic supervising nurse,
· CTC bonus deputy,
· CTC Frank or George unit deputies.
The following persons shall be present at the CTC 1st floor sallyport gate when the PCP or violently mentally ill suspects arrives:
· The CTC or Tower II sergeant,
· An IRC registered nurse and Medical Services doctor,
· A CTC deputy,
· The CTC bonus deputy,
· Additional deputy back-up as deemed necessary, (minimum of 2),
· A CTC deputy or custody assistant with a video camera.
Handling of a PCP or Violently Mentally Ill Inmate
· A CTC deputy or custody assistant shall be present outside the CTC 1st floor sallyport gate with a video camera. The entire incident shall be videotaped from the time of arrival until the time the inmate is finally secured. The supervising sergeant shall document the incident on a memo and submit the memo and videotape to the watch commander.
· The IRC nurse attending the admission of the inmate shall ensure a gurney is available outside the CTC 1st floor sally port gate, if needed. Deputies will place medical gloves on before handling the inmate.
· When the transporting unit arrives, the inmate will be visually assessed inside the car by the attending nurse, CTC doctor and CTC personnel for obvious injuries. If the inmate appears injured, the arresting officers will be directed to transport the inmate to LCMC. If the inmate appears uninjured, he will be removed from the radio car under the supervision of the CTC supervisor.
NOTE: Transporting officers shall secure their weapons outside the CTC sallyport lobby prior to entering the elevator.
· If the Doctor determines that the inmate’s violent behavior is not a result of any medical condition and may be attributed to mental illness, the Doctor will consult with the on-duty psychiatrist if available, or a Mental Health clinician. A determination will then be made regarding admitting the inmate to one of the mental health housing areas.
· The inmate’s evaluation and treatment is the sole responsibility of the medical staff. Deputies are present to provide security. Property obtained from the inmate shall be deposited at IRC by the arresting officers.
· Depending upon the inmate’s medical condition the nurse may direct the arresting officer(s) to book the inmate through channels at IRC, or to transport to LCMC via either radio car or ambulance.
Before accepting any PCP or mentally ill bookings for admission to CTC the following procedures shall be followed:
· The transporting and or arresting officer(s) shall remove and take control of all personal property and contraband from the inmate prior to entering the facility. Personal property includes, rings, watches, money, etc.,
· The property shall be placed into a plastic bag by the arresting or transporting officer(s). Bags will be provided by the CTC or Tower II Clinic deputies,
· In order to maintain the chain of evidence and for control purposes, the arresting or transporting officer(s) shall be responsible for safeguarding the inmate’s property while inside the TTCF,
· Once the inmate is controlled, the attending doctor will make a thorough assessment of his medical condition outside the CTC elevator lobby. Handcuffs will not be removed for medical evaluation without direct authorization from the sergeant or bonus deputy in attendance,
· If the attending IRC Doctor determines the inmate is acceptable, deputies will proceed to fully restrain the suspect in a supine position (lying on back) on the gurney. It is the IRC nurse’s duty to inspect the apparatus for medically approved application of the restraints. A medical mask will be placed on the inmate to prevent possible contamination to deputy personnel,
· The inmate will be fully restrained on the gurney. Once this is accomplished the transporting officers will be directed to wait at CTC control for the inmate’s clothing and prints. The transporting officers are not allowed to accompany the inmate to the CTC housing area,
· Custody deputies, a supervisor, and the attending IRC nurse will escort the gurney to the medically assigned room,
· When the assigned room is reached, deputies shall do the following:
· Remove the inmate from the gurney and place him in the hospital bed,
· Remove stokes litter from room and place back on gurney,
· Avoid any restraint that would inhibit normal breathing. “Spit bags” may be utilized as appropriate,
· Remove all clothing from the waist down and replace with yellow pajamas,
· Apply leather restraints securely on both ankles and secure to bed,
· Raise the inmate to a sitting position and apply leather restraints to both wrists,
· Secure the left wrist to the left middle restraint hole on the bed,
· Remove right handcuff and secure right wrist to upper right side of bed,
· Fingerprint one hand of the inmate. Write name and booking number on paper used, if not booking slip. Give the prints and all inmate clothing including shoes to the arresting officers, to take to IRC for storage,
· Remove the “Spit bag” and cover the inmate with a sheet.
NOTE: Always have a member of the nursing staff present during the application, rotation and removal of the restraints.