5-08-050 Incompetent to Stand Trial Medication Administration Program

PURPOSE OF ORDER:                                

To set forth the policy of this unit regarding the procedures for the administering of psychiatric medication to inmates that have been adjudicated incompetent to stand trial and unable to provide informed medication consent due to a mental disorder.    


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.

Jail Mental Health Services (JMHS) clinicians are responsible for overseeing inmates in the Misdemeanor Incompetent to Stand Trial (MIST) Program.  Following one month of unsuccessful efforts to obtain consistent, voluntary medication adherence, involuntary medication administration procedures will be initiated.

•    Medication will be administered by JMHS nursing staff to designated MIST program inmates Monday through Thursday between 1000 and 1400 hours.  

•    JMHS nursing staff will set-up the necessary equipment in the Outdoor Recreation area of Module 172.  

•    Passes will be generated for the affected inmates.  

•    Designated deputy personnel from Module 172 will coordinate inmate movement and provide security during the procedure.  

•    Each inmate shall be handcuffed, placed in a gurney chair, and escorted to the Outdoor Recreation area of Module 172.          

•    The assigned floor sergeant shall be notified if a delay in escorting the inmate to Module 172 occurs.  The sergeant will be responsible for facilitating the inmates movement to Module 172 or notifying JMHS personnel of the inability to escort the inmate and the need to reschedule.  The inmates name and booking number, the name of the sergeant and JMHS personnel that were notified, and the reason for the delay or inability to escort the inmate shall be documented in the Uniform Daily Activity Log.

•    Following the administration of medication, deputy personnel will escort the inmate to a designated cell in Module 172, where JMHS nursing staff will monitor the inmates condition.  They will advise deputy personnel once the inmate is able to return to his housing location.  

•    Inmates who refuse to be escorted to Module 172 for involuntary medication administration shall remain in their cell pending evaluation for transfer to the Forensic Inpatient Program (FIP).  The inmates refusal shall be documented in the Uniform Daily Activity Log. This documentation shall include the inmates name and booking number, the name of the sergeant and JMHS personnel that were notified of the refusal.