3-06-020 Module and Dormitory Cleaning

PURPOSE OF ORDER:                                

The purpose of this unit order is to establish guidelines and procedures regarding the cleaning and inspections of cells, modules and dormitories.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).


TTCF shall maintain a daily schedule for maintaining the cleanliness of all cells, modules, dormitories, offices and common areas.  The logistics unit shall be responsible for and oversee the implementation of a schedule, to be kept by the janitorial staff supervisor, for the common areas in the facility.  Housing areas shall be cleaned by Prisoner Personnel Office (PPO) approved inmate workers who are housed at the designated inmate worker dorms.  The Correctional Health Services (CHS) janitorial staff will be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of medical areas in Tower I, Tower II, and the Correctional Treatment Center (CTC).

The following are directives for facility maintenance:

•    Floors shall be swept and mopped daily
•    Bars and rails shall be washed frequently
•    Walls shall be washed twice a month (with special attention to removing graffiti)
•    Unless protected by trashcan liners, garbage and trash receptacles shall be emptied and sanitized frequently 
•    Windows shall be washed weekly, and screens (where applicable) shall be kept clean at all times
•    Toilets, urinals, sinks, showers shall be cleaned daily
•    Trash shall be removed from all housing, shower, and medical areas daily
•    Clinic areas and Transfer Center holding cells shall be cleaned and sanitized daily
•    It shall be the responsibility of each inmate to keep his/her cell clean.  Each inmate shall be given access to cleaning supplies as needed.  The module personnel shall document on the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL) when cleaning supplies are issued to inmates.

High Observation Housing (HOH) inmates shall have their cells cleaned every other day by the HOH Cleaning Crew
•    Cleaning Crew Custody Assistants (C/A) shall utilize the e-UDAL to document all cleaned and not cleaned cells with a brief explanation.  
•    Small Management Yards (SMY) shall be cleaned bi-weekly
•    Refrigerators shall be monitored on a daily basis for spoiled food, and disinfected on a weekly basis    
Senior Deputies shall complete a weekly cell check, and document the inspection in the module e-UDAL.  Senior Deputies shall review the C/A daily cleaning activities from the e-UDAL report system.

Module personnel shall conduct a visual inspection of the entire module at the beginning of each shift to ensure cleanliness, and document the cleanliness in the e-UDAL (CDM4-11/020.00).  Any areas that are not clean shall be cleaned on that shift and documented in the e-UDAL.

Unsanitary Conditions and Uncooperative Inmates

In instances where inmates may become uncooperative with custody personnel’s efforts to properly clean a cell, module personnel shall make every effort to gain an inmate’s cooperation in cleaning their cell.  If a cell is unable to be properly cleaned due to an inmate’s refusal to cooperate, the assigned AM Shift G1 or G2 Deputy (or any other deputies assigned to the module, regardless of shift) shall visually inspect the cell for any unsanitary conditions that may pose a health risk to the inmate housed in the cell.  If observed, the following unsanitary conditions shall immediately be reported to Correctional Health Services (CHS), the Department of Mental Health (DMH), and the assigned floor sergeant:

•    One (1) or more days with an inmate’s cell not being cleaned
•    Feces/urine/blood on walls or floors of the inmate’s cell
•    Excess perishable sack lunch items or milk/juice cartons should not be retained past 3 days.  In the event an inmate’s refusal to eat and/or drink is observed to deviate from normal eating or drinking patterns, the procedures outlined in Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 5-15/000.00 “Inmate’s Refusal to Eat and/or Drink” shall be adhered to.
•    Clogged/overflowing toilets with feces/sinks
•    Water or any other fluids accumulating on the cell floor

Notification(s) to CHS and DMH shall be documented in the module e-UDAL.

Medical and/or mental health personnel may conclude the unsanitary cell conditions pose a significant health risk to an inmate housed within a cell and may request an extraction order to extract an inmate from a cell in order to properly clean it.  If such a conclusion is reached, all use of force, inmate extraction, and recalcitrant inmate policies and procedures shall be strictly adhered to.  (Refer to CDM sections 7-01/050.00 “Inmate Extractions,” 7-01/050.05 “Inmate Extraction Procedures,” and 7-02/020.00 “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile or Aggressive Inmates” for additional information)

All Title 15 C/A’s and deputies shall continuously inspect all cells for the aforementioned conditions as part of their required inmate safety checks and make proper notifications as necessary. 

Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning products may become hazardous if mixed together.  It is the responsibility of module personnel to ensure that cleaning supplies are not mixed together.  Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for each cleaning product are available in the Logistics Office.  All cleaning by inmate workers shall be done under the supervision of deputy personnel, custody assistants and/or janitorial staff.  

Module cleaning supply closets shall remain secured unless custody or janitorial staff are physically present.  Inmate workers shall not remove items from the cleaning supply closets unless directly supervised by custody or janitorial personnel.