To establish procedures and guidelines for smoking at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
County Ordinance 92-0018 prohibits smoking in all County facilities and vehicles. Twin Towers Correctional Facility is a "No Smoking" facility. The use of tobacco, in any form, is prohibited. This policy applies to all employees (civilian or sworn), visitors, inmates, and any other person entering this facility.
The only authorized smoking area for TTCF employees or official visitors is the patio area located between [REDACTED TEXT] and the [REDACTED TEXT] Smoking time is restricted to authorized breaks. Additional breaks will not be authorized or taken for the purpose of using tobacco products. Additionally, employees shall discard all used tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco, in a manner that will prevent inmate retrieval. Personnel are also reminded that no one shall smoke in view of inmates.
To enhance this no smoking policy, tobacco products of any type, including smokeless tobacco, shall not be allowed in the security areas of this facility.
This policy affects ALL personnel, sworn and civilian, who enter this facility. Tobacco products are to be secured in lockers outside of security or in personal vehicles.
Personnel are reminded that anyone entering the security areas of this facility or any County jail facility, are subject to a search for contraband. This includes lunch containers, briefcases, or any other object carried with the individual.