State legislation has required that each business location establish a safety program that is administered by a safety committee. The purpose of this order is to establish the Twin Towers Correctional Facility Injury and Illness Prevention Safety Committee, and to outline its duties and responsibilities.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
The Twin Towers Correctional Facility Injury and Illness Prevention Safety Committee has been established and will be comprised of a representative from each rank and classification of personnel. The committee coordinator will be the Operations Sergeant, with representatives from all the different entities of the unit. In addition, one sworn representative of deputy rank from each shift will be selected. The term of the assignment will be one year renewable. The committee will meet no less than once a month.
The primary responsibility of the Safety Committee is to develop and implement an Injury and Illness Prevention Program. The objective of this program is to protect and conserve the manpower, equipment and resources under the Department’s control. Cooperation in this effort and compliance with Health and Safety rules are expected of all employees as a condition of employment.
Safety rules and regulations shall be developed, protective equipment adopted and used, and work instructions given that will assure each employee is aware of appropriate safety practices in performing work assignments. These rules, regulations and work instructions will be kept in a manual entitled “IIPP” and made readily available to unit supervisors, employees, Inspectional Services and CAL/OSHA when warranted.
An effective Illness and Injury Prevention Program contains the following elements:
· Management commitment
· Safety communications system with employees
· Systems for assuring employees compliance with safe work practices
· Scheduled inspection and evaluation system
· Accident investigation
· Procedures for correcting unsafe or unhealthy conditions
· Record keeping and documentation
Management Commitment
As the Sheriff’s Department is committed to providing a safe working environment for all employees, it is the policy of this Department that employees will be aware of, and support, any mechanism that heightens awareness of safety. This will reduce illness and injury.
Safety Communication System with Employees
Communication between the Safety Committee and the unit employees will be accomplished by the use of a suggestions box and the e-mail system. Through the e-mail system, the employees can give input and suggestions regarding the safety of the facility or they can do so by obtaining a form from the Operations Office.
The committee will also use informational memorandums, posted on bulletin boards, to inform employees of current information and unit wide dispositions of identified safety hazards.
Employee Compliance with Safe Work Practices
Compliance with established safety rules and procedures will be monitored through the dissemination of written directives, review of employee performance, personal inspection by supervisory and management personnel, and documentation in employee performance evaluation.
Hazard Assessment and Control
Unit hazard inspection will be conducted quarterly in advance of the scheduled Safety Committee meeting. The results, and any identified safety hazards, will be discussed at the monthly Safety Committee meeting.
Accident Investigation
At the Safety Committee’s monthly meeting, the committee will review all industrial injury incident reports filed during the previous month. The review will be limited to identifying and correcting any existing or potential safety hazards by using a trend analysis technique. Appropriate recommendations will be made to the Unit Commander.
Procedures for Correcting Unsafe and Unhealthy Conditions
Recommendations for correcting conditions that are identified as unhealthy or unsafe will be made by the Safety Committee to the Unit Commander.
Record Keeping and Documentation
The committee will maintain a complete record of all meetings and agenda items discussed. The information will be maintained by the committee and will be available for review upon request from the unit’s Operation office. Annual stats will be posted on employee bulletin boards. Records will be kept for a minimum of three (3) years.
Employees Responsibilities
All employees are reminded of their responsibility to follow established safety rules and guidelines. In addition, all employees are encouraged to identify any potential safety hazard and bring it to the attention of the committee for evaluation and correction.
Supervisory Management Responsibilities
All supervisors and management personnel will enforce and evaluate the safety rules and guidelines. In addition, they will be responsible for following through with all the suggestions provided by the members of the Safety Committee, upon approval of the Unit Commander.