3-05-070 Unit Training Policy


To establish policy regarding the ongoing in-service training of Twin Towers Correctional Facility personnel.



This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.



The TTCF Training Unit is responsible for scheduling and coordinating the in‑service training programs for all personnel assigned to TTCF.  They will also provide information regarding outside law enforcement educational programs.  The programs shall be based on mandates from State Law, Board of Corrections Standards for Training in Corrections (STC), the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST), Minimum Jail Standards (Title 15), and Departmental training requirements.  The Training Unit shall monitor the training requirements and maintain records of attendance, subject matter, and successful completion for each employee attending training programs.


The TTCF Training Unit shall ensure that all newly assigned custody personnel complete mandatory Unit Orientation Training prior to being assigned to a line position at TTCF.  Unit Orientation Training shall include the following topics:  Regular and Emergency Unit procedures, Computer and Electronic Mail Use, Use of Force Policy, Interpersonal Communications Skills, Mental Health and H.I.V. Awareness Training, and other topics as ordered by the Unit Commander.


The Training Unit shall identify qualified personnel as training officers and ensure that new employees are receiving all mandated training.  Personnel transferring to TTCF from other units within the Department shall undergo a modified training program to ensure that they are familiar with the policies and procedures of the TTCF.  Each training officer shall be appropriately supervised in the performance of their training mission.  Through continuous contact with each training officer, the Training Unit will ensure that each newly assigned employee is progressing in the training program and has complied with all Department, Division and Unit training mandates.  Training officers shall complete bi-weekly evaluations regarding their newly assigned employees.


The Training Unit shall develop and maintain an electronic manual of recurrent briefings [REDACTED TEXT] and ensure they are briefed every ninety (90) days.  These recurrent briefings shall be viewed as mandatory training and shall be conducted in a manner designed to strengthen participant comprehension and performance in the concerned areas.


The subject of these briefings shall include, but not be limited to:


  • Handling of hazardous materials
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Use and reporting of force
  • Use of firearms (except Custody Assistants)
  • Range qualification (except Custody Assistants)
  • Fraternization with inmates
  • Over detentions
  • Security
  • Off duty conduct/incidents
  • AIDS briefing
  • Interpersonal communications skills