To establish policy for the Twin Towers Correctional Facility regarding the distribution of employee paychecks.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Employee paychecks for personnel assigned to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility shall be retrieved from Central Payroll by the Operations Sergeant or his designee.
The Operations Sergeant or his designee shall then separate the paychecks into two categories:
From these two categories the paychecks shall then be separated into three categories and alphabetized:
All Warrants, Direct Deposit Receipts, and Wage Garnishment Warrants for administrative personnel shall be retained for distribution by the Operations Sergeant. Personnel receiving a Warrant or a Wage Garnishment Warrant must sign the Direct Deposit Checklist upon receipt of their warrant. The Direct Deposit Checklist shall be retained by the Operations Sergeant.
All Warrants, Direct Deposit Receipts and Wage Garnishment Warrants for line personnel shall be forwarded to the Watch Sergeant by the Operations Sergeant or his designee. The Watch Sergeant shall place all Direct Deposit Receipts alphabetically in the "Employee Paycheck" box stored in the Watch Sergeants office. Line personnel may retrieve their Direct Deposit Receipts from the "Employee Paycheck" box. All Warrants and Wage Garnishment Warrants for line personnel shall be retained by the Watch Sergeant. Line personnel receiving a Warrant or Wage Garnishment Warrant must sign the Watch Sergeant's copy of the Direct Deposit Checklist upon receipt of their paycheck or Wage Garnishment Warrant. The Direct Deposit Checklist shall be forwarded to the Operations Sergeant upon distribution of all warrants. The Operations Sergeant shall retain the Direct Deposit Checklist for sixty days or until any discrepancy involving the issuance of a Warrant or Wage Garnishment Warrant has been resolved.
Wage Garnishment Warrants are confidential in nature and shall be distributed in a confidential manner by the Operations Sergeant and the Watch Sergeant. Wage Garnishment Warrants shall be distributed directly to the employee to whom they are addressed. At no time shall the Wage Garnishment Warrants be made public or left in the "Employee Paycheck" box for retrieval.
Warrants, Direct Deposit Receipts, or Wage Garnishment Warrants for personnel not assigned to the TTCF shall be forwarded to the Payroll Operations Unit by the Operations Sergeant or his designee. Personnel that have not received their Warrant or Direct Deposit Receipt must notify the Operations Sergeant of the problem as soon as practical. The Operations Sergeant shall then notify the Payroll Operations Unit of the situation.