To establish policies and procedures for the “Outside Overtime in Patrol” program.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).
Personnel participating in the Outside Overtime in Patrol program shall strictly adhere to the guidelines indicated below:
- Sworn personnel must have completed two years as a Deputy Sheriff within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
- Submit an “Authorization for Outside Overtime” memorandum request form to the Unit Commander. The request form must be signed by the Unit Commander of the initiating facility and the Unit Commander of the receiving patrol station.
- Sworn personnel must have read the patrol preparation material in accordance with Custody Operations guidelines.
- The participant shall be responsible for notifying the scheduling office at each station/unit which they seek overtime.
- The participant shall only work overtime at a station/unit on their regular days off (RDO).
- Sworn personnel shall wear a Class “A” or Class “B” uniform as prescribed by the host station/unit, in addition to a complete Sam or Sally Browne belt. The participant shall be required to have his/her Department issued helmet and protective vest available while participating in overtime at a station/unit.
- Unit Commanders shall be authorized to prohibit sworn personnel from working requested patrol stations.