To establish guidelines and procedures for maintaining a full complement of on-duty staff for all shifts.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Overtime Policy
The following guidelines concerning overtime will be adhered to by all employees assigned to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility:
Any employee who signs up for overtime is committed to working that shift. If an employee cannot work the assigned overtime shift, the employee must contact the Scheduling Office as soon as possible. The position shall then be filled from the availability list. Personnel may not transfer overtime to another member until the availability list has been exhausted.
All overtime must be approved, and all overtime slips must be initialed by the Watch Commander prior to the employee beginning his shift. The Watch Sergeant shall sign all overtime slips at the end of the overtime period and the overtime slip must be submitted prior to the employee leaving the facility.
NOTE: A deputy can only work a custody assistant position on overtime when the custody assistant overtime and stand-by overtime rosters have been exhausted. Custody Assistants shall not work positions designated to be performed by sworn personnel.
All employees are expected to monitor themselves to ensure compliance. Employees not in compliance with the overtime policy may be subject to discipline and may be restricted from overtime the following month.
Scheduled Overtime
Personnel desiring scheduled overtime shall sign up for available shifts using the Scheduling Management System (SMS).
When overtime becomes available in advance, the Scheduling Office will refer to the SMS sign-up list and hire overtime based on the following criteria:
In the event that overtime becomes available without advanced notice, the on-duty Watch Commander will attempt to fill that position with available on-duty personnel from the availability list, or with volunteers from a nearby facility. If this is not possible, the position will be filled at his or her discretion by drafting.
The Scheduling Office will maintain an overtime list on a continuous basis. This list shall be kept in the SMS.
Any employee who cancels a pre-approved overtime shift three (3) times within any cycle, may not be considered for overtime at TTCF the following cycle.
Personnel Draft
Unscheduled overtime that cannot be filled on a voluntary basis, or by deputies or custody assistants at neighboring facilities, shall be filled by either pre-assigned or last-minute “drafting” of personnel. All “drafts” must be approved by the Captain, Scheduling Lieutenant, or Watch Commander.
On-duty personnel shall be first considered for the last-minute draft. If the needs of the facility cannot be met with available on-duty personnel, off-duty TTCF personnel may be called in to work. Drafting of personnel on their regular days off (RDOs) shall be limited to circumstances where a critical operational staffing need exists and all other efforts to voluntarily fill the vacancies have been adequately exhausted. To make drafting more equitable, the following guidelines shall be considered to assist supervisors in selecting the employee(s) to be drafted:
Note: When determining overtime hours worked, only overtime hours worked filling vacancies at the employee’s home unit of assignment shall be considered. Outside overtime, court overtime, hold-over overtime, special contract/special event overtime, etc. shall be excluded, unless those additional overtime hours would cause the employee to exceed the monthly maximum of 96 hours for the calendar month.
Any exceptions to the above policies shall be made by the Unit Commander. All overtime which, in the Unit Commander’s judgment, is necessary to provide required services in the accomplishments of TTCF will be assigned.