The purpose of this order is to establish policy regarding the handling of high security inmates who are confined within the Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF). This policy has been established for the safety of all personnel working in the Security Housing Unit (SHU) which houses level 9 inmates and general population modules which house security level 8 inmates.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
For purposes of definition, inmate recreation time will be referred to as “program” and shall include activities pursuant to Title 15 requirements. All program time or refusal of participation shall be thoroughly documented in the Recreation Activity Log within the applicable module.
NOTE: Procedures specified in this unit order are subject to change as deemed necessary in order to enhance officer safety with the prior approval of a sergeant. Depending on the existing circumstances, a sergeant’s approval may be required for certain procedures, i.e., indoor/outdoor recreation. Personnel may stop the program when exigent circumstances arise where officer or inmate safety is being compromised. The sergeant shall be notified immediately when the program has been discontinued. Consideration must be given to the safety of all involved, and the security of the facility.
During day room time, showers, television, and phones will be available. All inmates shall wear a minimum of their county issued shirts, pants, and shoes.
Security Level 8 Inmates
Inmates shall be allowed maximum indoor recreation time during both AM and PM shifts, unless specified otherwise: each pod will receive day room time for up to two hours per day, seven days per week. The entire pod population, as a group, will be given access to the day room. All cell doors shall be secured during day room time to prevent unauthorized gatherings within a cell, and to prevent theft. Module personnel will ensure the ethnicity of the inmates participating in day room time is fairly balanced.
NOTE: Three pods will simultaneously have day room time. However, the pods receiving day room time will be alternating in the event a tactical entry is necessary (i.e., pods A, C,and E or pods B, D, and F will receive day room time simultaneously).
Security Level 9 Inmates
Inmates are allowed day room time on a daily basis for thirty minutes; only one cell at a time (maximum two inmates). Those participating shall secure their cell door. All remaining inmates housed in the module shall be locked in their cells except for supervised movement. Inmates out for day room time shall be locked down until those inmates that are being moved are out of the pod. Each inmate released out of the cell shall be directed to secure the cell door behind them.
NOTE: EM shift shall verify all eligible inmates (level 8 and 9 inmates) were afforded the opportunity to participate in day room time during the previous shifts. EM shift personnel may provide recreational program to the inmates who did not receive day room time during the previous shifts, if time permits and upon agreement (inmates must waive their Title 15 requirement of 8 hours of sleep per night).
Sessions of outdoor recreation for both security level inmates may vary in duration, but the weekly cumulative total must be a minimum of three hours. All inmates shall wear a minimum of their county issued shirts, pants, and shoes, while being escorted from their cell to the outdoor recreation area.
Security Level 8 Inmates
The entire pod, taking into consideration the safe balance of Hispanic or “Southsider” influence, will be given access to the outdoor recreation area at various times during the week, consistent with resources and daily operations. All inmates will be released one cell (two inmates) at a time. The inmates will be directed, under constant supervision, to the outdoor recreation area. The number of inmates should not exceed the number of deputies involved in the movement and the maximum amount of inmates out shall not exceed 32.
Security Level 9 Inmates
A maximum of 16 inmates will be allowed outdoor recreation at any given time. Control booth personnel shall open one cell (two inmates) at a time. All inmates shall be handcuffed at the pod door prior to exiting the pod. The inmates shall be searched and scanned with the hand held metal detector, and escorted to the recreation area. Handcuffs shall be removed utilizing the cuffing ports of the outdoor recreation area.
Deputy personnel will utilize the black box safety handcuffing device on all security level 9 inmates leaving gang modules for court, parole hearings, or any off facility movement.
Security Level 8 Inmates
Ordinary or routine inmate movement within a module or within TTCF does not necessitate handcuffing unless deemed necessary. As dictated in TTCF Unit Order, #5-03-010, Inmate Movement and Escorting Procedures, personnel shall not escort more than 3 uncuffed inmates for every 1 staff member.
Security Level 9 Inmates
Inmates escorted to visiting, off floor passes, etc. must be individually handcuffed or added to a four man (CST) chain prior to opening the pod door. As dictated in TTCF Unit Order, #5-03-010, personnel shall not escort more than four handcuffed inmates per staff member. At no time shall any inmate handcuffed with the black box safety device be allowed to intermix with inmates not handcuffed as such, or with inmates specially segregated as a safety precaution.
NOTE: Under no circumstances will any inmate housed within SHU be allowed outside of the pod door without prior handcuffing via the cuffing port.
Security Level 8 and 9 Inmates
Court line movement to and from the Inmate Reception Center (I.R.C.), or other off floor movement involving Security Level 8 and 9 inmates will have additional safety measures in place prior to inmate movement.
Security Level 8 inmates are not required to be handcuffed unless deemed necessary by custody personnel. EM Shift will assess and determine the most tactical and efficient manner of conducting court movement for these inmates.
Upon returning from court, all Security Level 8 and 9 inmates shall be strip searched for any contraband. Any perishable items not consumed prior to arrival at TTCF shall be disposed of.
Deputy personnel must be physically present to supervise inmate workers during food preparation and the serving of all meals.
Security Level 8 Inmates
The entire pod population, as a group, will be fed meals during day room time. All inmates will assemble on the stairs and receive their meal at the pod door. Meal delivery will be provided by trusty inmates and supervised by custody personnel.
Security Level 9 Inmates
Meal delivery will be provided by inmate workers and supervised by custody personnel. A sufficient amount of meals will be available outside the pod door. Inmates will be let out of their cells and advised to receive their food one cell at a time. This shall be done in a manner that is both measured and coordinated with Custody personnel who are supervising meal delivery at the pod door.
Laundry and linen exchange shall be done on a schedule established by the TTCF Laundry Unit. The exchange shall be done on an even exchange basis (e.g., one set of blues out of the cell in exchange for one clean set of blues into the cell). Deputy personnel must be present and ensure each inmate is exchanging all items and placing exchanged items in the appropriate pile for laundry assortment (i.e., blues, whites, sheets, blankets). Laundry items will be delivered by inmate workers and the process will be supervised by custody personnel.
NOTE: Variations of this procedure are permissible in furtherance of more efficient module operations.
Security Level 8 Inmates
Linen exchange shall be done one tier at a time. Inmates shall assemble at the pod door and receive their issued laundry items after like items have been exchanged. Laundry items will be delivered by inmate workers and supervised by custody personnel.
Security Level 9 Inmates
Linen exchange shall be done one cell at a time. Inmates will be instructed on exchange procedures and released from their cells by the control booth personnel, in a manner that is both measured and coordinated with custody personnel supervising at the pod door. Laundry items will be delivered to the inmates by inmate workers once like items have been exchanged.
Security Level 8 and 9 Inmates
Inmates may not have any razors inside of their cells. Razors may be handed out during shower periods. At the end of the shower period, module deputies shall be held accountable for collecting the amount of razors which were distributed. Additionally, staff must ensure the razor is returned with the blade intact.
Deputies shall assist medical staff with pill call/sick call by monitoring and supervising the distribution of medication to specific inmates. The medication will be packaged and distributed to the inmate via cell door or cuffing port. Inmates shall run their index finger along the gum line to ensure the medication has been ingested.
Security Level 8 Inmates
Inmates requiring medication shall line up at the day room door and consume their medication in the presence of medical and deputy personnel. The number of inmates to be released at any time will be based on the current circumstances, but shall not exceed 16 inmates.
Security Level 9 Inmates
Control booth personnel shall announce pill call to the inmates. Inmates will be instructed and released, one cell at a time, by the control booth personnel, in a manner that is both measured and coordinated with Custody personnel who are supervising pill call at the pod door.
Security Level 8 and 9 Inmates
Each shift shall conduct a daily search of a minimum of two random cells per module. A minimum of three deputies will be required to effect a cell search. At least one deputy will be armed with a taser gun. Inmates will be given verbal instructions at their secured cell door in order to gain compliance for the search. Once the cell door is opened, both inmates will be handcuffed and escorted from the cell while the search takes place.
It is recommended that the inmates be seated at the pod tables while their cell is searched for weapons, narcotics, jail made alcohol, excess clothing, linen, and/or any other contraband. The cell searches shall be documented in the UDAL and Recreation Activity Log.
NOTE: Personnel shall not approach recalcitrant inmates or attempt to open the cell door of any inmate displaying a recalcitrant behavior, as dictated in TTCF Unit Order #3-02-300, Contact with Insubordinate/ Recalcitrant Inmates.
Security Level 8 and 9 Inmates
Inmates housed in these modules will be provided with a restricted list of commissary items which they may choose to purchase. The restricted list of items for Security level 8 and 9 inmates limits the quantity of items which may be purchased.
Orders placed will be delivered on PM shift for distribution to the inmate. This is contingent upon circumstances such as facility lockdowns which may delay delivery of the items. Deputy personnel will be present to assist the vendor with the distribution of commissary items. Deputies will visually inspect each clear plastic delivery bag from canteen services to ensure that it contains only items allowed on the SHU commissary list. It is imperative to ensure that items such as razors are not inadvertently included in the commissary bags for the inmates. The commissary bags will be delivered to the inmates’ cell by the deputies and the vendor associate.
Security Level 8 and 9 Inmates
Module personnel may document minor violations on a half sheet minor violation report. The inmate(s) involved in the violation(s) may be disciplined by lockdown status in their assigned cell with the approval of the assigned sergeant.
Incidents involving major violations of jail policy will be documented via the Inmate Report Tracking System (I.R.T.S.). The violation(s) shall be acted on no longer than 72 hours after an inmate has been informed of the charge(s) in writing.
Depending on the nature of the violation(s), a SH-R-49 report may also be required. Inmates involved in major violations of jail policy may be transferred to the discipline module where they will be housed for a period of time, in lockdown status, consistent with the severity of the violation(s). Transfer to the discipline module will require the approval of the assigned tower sergeant.
Security Level 8 and 9 Inmates
Module personnel shall utilize the module inmate worker system of pod cleaning. All cleaning materials, brooms, mops, etc., are to be inspected by staff. All of these items must be removed from the pod upon completion of cleaning. Inmates assigned to pod maintenance may receive additional “program” time after the pod is cleaned.
Security Level 8 Inmates
Once a visiting pass is generated, module personnel shall ensure inmates in the visiting area at the same time are of the same security level. Inmates participating in visiting shall be escorted to the visiting area by deputy personnel. Deputy personnel will ensure that each inmate is secured by being handcuffed to the stool.
Security Level 9 Inmates
Once a visiting pass is generated, module personnel shall ensure inmates in the visiting area at the same time are of the same security level. Control booth personnel shall open the cell doors of the inmates that are participating in visiting, one cell at a time. No more than two inmates shall be out of their cell at any given time. Deputy personnel will handcuff and escort the inmates appropriately, as dictated in the “MOVEMENT and BLACK BOX CLASSIFICATION” section of this unit order.
Religious services are offered to inmates on a voluntarily basis. Various ministries provide chaplaincy services to inmates within the facility. Services or activities may include, but are not limited to: worship service, Bible study class, or individual counseling.
Security Level 8 Inmates
It is recommended that groups of inmates be assembled and monitored within the confines of the outdoor/indoor recreation area. Services or activities which are of a group nature, will be offered to all inmates until the maximum number of inmates allowed to gather in a common area are met.
Security Level 9 Inmates
All inmates will be given the opportunity, as presented by the chaplaincy staff, to participate in individual counseling or ministry sessions. These sessions will take place at an inmate’s cell door, or on rare occasion, an alternate location for privacy. In those instances, Custody personnel will designate the location for privacy, its duration, and feasibility, taking into consideration the safety of all involved, and the security of the facility.