The ability to keep order of and properly discipline inmates in the jail is important for security reasons. Personnel must also be secure in the knowledge that they have effective tools available to them to accomplish this. The Minor Infraction Report will serve as an option to the Inmate Discipline Report (SH-J-213).
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Non-Conformance / Minor Infraction Report
It is essential that housing officers be allowed sufficient authority to supervise their housing area and handle minor infractions. In order to maximize the control of the inmate’s behavior, supervisors should support the recommendation of disciplinary action(s) by the housing officers, while ensuring consistent application of sanctions.
NOTE: It is important to note that certain violations are listed in both major incident and minor infraction categories. This is to allow for greater discretion in administering discipline. Employees are encouraged to document inappropriate inmate behavior when necessary.
When an officer determines that extra duty, loss of privilege, cell restriction or transfer to another housing area is appropriate, he shall notify his Floor Bonus Deputy prior to administering the discipline. The Floor Bonus Deputy shall ensure the discipline imposed is consistent and conforms with established guidelines. Minor infractions and sanctions shall be recorded by completing a Minor Infraction Report. If the inmate requests an appeal of the proposed discipline, the Floor Sergeant shall act as the disciplinary review officer.
Cell restriction shall not include restrictions on any of the following activities:
· Attorney or personal visits,
· Regular meals or feeding routine (an inmate may be fed in their cell),
· Clothing/linen exchange,
· Pill Call or Sick Call.
The Minor Infraction Report shall be processed in the following manner:
· The report form shall be filled out by the officer assigning the minor infraction discipline.
· The report shall be kept where the offense occurred, in a folder adjacent to where JRC’s are kept, until the minor discipline term has been completed by the inmate.
· The officer supervising the inmate at the time of completion of the discipline shall sign the form indicating the inmate has completed the discipline and attach the form to the back of the inmate’s JRC.
· After 30 days, the Minor Infraction Violation Form shall be forwarded to the TTCF Operations Office - 8th floor.
EXAMPLE: Jane Doe #123456 abuses the use of sanitary napkins, Deputy Smith advises the inmate that she has violated inmate rules and is given a minor infraction. Deputy Smith notifies the Floor Bonus Deputy and completes a Non-Conformance / Minor Infraction Report. The Bonus Deputy must sign the form approving the discipline. The inmate is advised that she will be put on either cell restriction or extra duty. Upon completion of the discipline, the module officer shall sign the form as “TIME SERVED” and attach the form to the JRC where it will remain for 30 days.
Inmates with an accumulation of three minor incidents within a 30 day period, shall be written up and transferred to Discipline housing. Such actions shall be documented on an Inmate Discipline Report as a major incident.
Sanctions for Minor Infractions
Minor Infractions may result in the following sanctions:
Unmade Bunk 4 - 8 4 - 8
Talking Outside Housing Area 4 - 8 4 - 12
Excess Clothing / Linen 4 - 8 4 - 8
Improper Dress 4 - 8 4 - 8
Touching T.V. 4 - 8 4 - 12
Covered Vent / Light 4 - 8 4 - 12
Altering Door Locking Mechanisms 4 - 8 8 - 24
Delaying Lock down 4 - 8 12 - 24
Misuse of Call Button 4 - 8 12 - 24
Abuse of Sanitary Napkins 4 - 8 12 - 24
Insubordination 4 - 8 4 - 24
CCR Title 15, Section 1081, Plan for Inmate Discipline
(b)Minor acts of non conformance or minor violations of institution rules may be handled informally by any staff member by counseling or advising the inmate of expected conduct, assignment to an extra work detail, or removal from a work assignment without loss of work time credit. In addition, temporary loss of privileges such as, but not limited to, access to television, telephones, or commissary, or lockdown for less than 24 hours, may be considered minor discipline if such acts are accompanied by written documentation, and a policy of review and appeal to a supervisor.