Unit Order: #07-175/26
Effective Date: 06-18-2019
Review Date: 09-25-2023
Subject: Inmate Nail Clipper Security
Reference: CDM 4-11/020.00-025.00
Unit Commander Signature: Date:
PURPOSE OF ORDER: The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures regarding the storage and accountability of inmate nail clippers.
SCOPE OF ORDER: This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).
Due to the security requirements of NCCF, it is imperative that all personnel adhere to the procedures set forth in this unit order.
Buildings [REDACTED TEXT]:
- Every staff station shall be assigned one set of nail clippers that shall be stored in the locked drawer at the respective staff station.
- Nail clippers shall be tagged with the coordinating staff station number and stored in a clear plastic bottle, which shall always be filled with blue Barbicide disinfectant solution (provided by Inmate Services).
- Personnel assigned to a staff station shall account for the nail clippers assigned to their staff station and document it in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL) at the beginning of their shift.
- Personnel completing the building security check shall account for all nail clippers assigned to the building and document it on the building key/armory log at the beginning of their shift.
- If nail clippers are not returned to the issuing personnel, a building supervisor shall be notified immediately, and reasonable efforts shall be made to locate them.
- If nail clippers are broken, return them to Inmate Services for a replacement. Do not discard them.
- Broken or lost nail clippers and their location shall be documented in the respective e-UDAL and the building key/armory log.
Buildings [REDACTED TEXT] only:
- Inmates who wish to use the nail clippers shall be secured in the dayroom adjacent to the staff station.
- Only one dorm is allowed to use the nail clippers at a time.
- The number of inmates allowed in the dayroom shall be determined by the building supervisor for that shift.
- Once the inmate(s) are secured in the dayroom, only the nail clippers shall be passed in through the dayroom tray slot; the Barbicide solution shall remain at the staff station.
- Once the nail clippers have been returned to the issuing deputy/custody assistant, the inmate(s) in the dayroom shall be allowed back into his/their respective dorm.
Building [REDACTED TEXT] only:
- Nail clippers shall be issued to inmates upon request.
- If an inmate wishes to use the nail clippers, they shall be secured in a location other than their housing cell.
- The location shall be determined by the building supervisor for that shift.