Unit Order: #07-125/40 |
Effective Date: 12-15-2014 Revision Date: 03-19-2019 Review Date: 03-19-2021 |
Subject: Building 900 Cell Door Tray Slots |
Reference: None |
Unit Commander Signature: ORIGINAL SIGNED Date: 08/24/2018 |
PURPOSE OF ORDER: The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures for the utilization of the cell door tray slots in Building 900.
SCOPE OF ORDER: This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).
In order to ensure the safety of staff and inmates, the following procedures shall be followed when using the cell door tray slots in Building 900. This may include, but not be limited to inmate feeding, clothing exchange, pill call, mail call, or any other inmate contact which requires the exchange of items through the cell door tray slot.
To minimize the possibility of objects being thrown at staff, the passing of contraband, and to avoid inappropriate communication between housed inmates and inmate workers, no more than one tray slot shall be opened at any one time. This applies to all cells within the 900 building, regardless of keep-away status or security level. Department personnel shall remain in close proximity to the open tray slot and provide close supervision as long as the tray slot remains open. Once the transaction is complete, personnel shall ensure the tray slot is closed and secured.
Any exception to this policy must have the prior approval of the 900 building sergeant on a shift-by-shift basis.